So sorry for the long absence, everyone!
Personal life has been REALLY busy, but I accomplished my major goal for this summer!
I have been itching to climb Mt. Fuji since last year, when two of my friends went, and this year, I accomplished that goal and reached the summit!
Granted, I also defaced the newly appointed World Heritage Site by throwing up on it twice, but if that isn't rebellious enough, what is?
Personal gloating aside though, here's a quick translation from the Rock and Read blog about RR049 featuring Ruki as his most alluring pissed off bunny best--enjoy!
RR Interview Report Part I (RUKI / the GazettE)
Today at noon, the 「ROCK AND READ 049」cover was unveiled. How is it?
It's pretty provocative, isn't it?
With that said, starting from today, we'll also be starting the interviews for the next issue.
First, of course, will be the GazettE's RUKI, who is featured on the front cover!
It's been a while since their previous one, but the GazettE will release a new single 「FADELESS」on August 21st, and in October, a new album 『BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY』.
With that said, this shoot's theme focuses on a 「BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY」.
RUKI was really busy, so the meeting about the shoot was done 3 nights before the shoot.
RUKI developed the base ideas in collaboration with the stylist, makeup artist, and camera man, and the meeting went late into the night as they talked about things like, "If that's the case, let's do this," "Between these, this one's better," and so on.
Even though there was so little time as it was to prep for the shoot, nobody wanted to compromise.
Everyone got really pumped up, and there was an excited discussion of, "Instead of that, this is definitely more interesting!"
As expected of the GazettE, it was a meeting that showed that when it comes to making an amazing product, the sophistication of the GazettE's creative team is almost frightening.
Well, the keywords that emerged from that meeting: Bondage, Lowrider, and Punk.
The cover photo features bondage, with a fetishistic Ruki.

I think you can see it if you look closely, but in this photo, beneath the jacket is bare skin. And the corset and lapel were also worn directly over bare skin.
So fetishistic!!
And, here's 1 photo taken from today's shoot and specially uploaded just for you!

Fufufu, the car that RUKI is riding is a pretty intense lowrider, and it's really really badass.
And why is the Ruki in bondage there?
Naturally, he's coolly presenting his deformed view of the world.
This is all I can show you this time around, but the real thing is wayyy more amazing.
You definitely have to check this outtttt!
And to the people who realized,
Where is the last keyword--punk?
You're really observant!
Actually, that particular photo is even more crazy!
Eh? Who's that foreigner? Isn't that Nancy Spungen?
It was a really provocative picture with that sort of a look.
There are a definitely a lot of cosplayers like this, right?
And, with the interview, we asked about things about 「FADELESS」and things about 『BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY』
things about the first overseas tour after 6 years, things about the visual scene, and also things about idols...
Also in the interview is the theme that encompassed the recording, the decisions they made, the unity within the band--the fans might unintentionally tear up!
Anyways, anyways, this time's ROCK AND READ's content will be the most exhilarating ever!
You gotta seriously look forward to it!
To be honest, I've been running all over the place lately that I wasn't even thinking of translating anything for another few weeks.
But, after I saw this RR cover--how could I not be curious about what was going on in the VK world?!
What do you guys think of this image? I thought Ruki, who normally tried so hard to steer away from being "cute" or "soft" in any regard managed to completely turn a traditionally "cute" bunny on its head. Tell us your thoughts and comments in the comments below!
And, as usual, follow MICHIDO with a like on Facebook, a follow on Twitter and a subscription Tumblr!
Personal life has been REALLY busy, but I accomplished my major goal for this summer!
I have been itching to climb Mt. Fuji since last year, when two of my friends went, and this year, I accomplished that goal and reached the summit!
Granted, I also defaced the newly appointed World Heritage Site by throwing up on it twice, but if that isn't rebellious enough, what is?
Personal gloating aside though, here's a quick translation from the Rock and Read blog about RR049 featuring Ruki as his most alluring pissed off bunny best--enjoy!
RR Interview Report Part I (RUKI / the GazettE)
Today at noon, the 「ROCK AND READ 049」cover was unveiled. How is it?
It's pretty provocative, isn't it?
With that said, starting from today, we'll also be starting the interviews for the next issue.
First, of course, will be the GazettE's RUKI, who is featured on the front cover!
It's been a while since their previous one, but the GazettE will release a new single 「FADELESS」on August 21st, and in October, a new album 『BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY』.
With that said, this shoot's theme focuses on a 「BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY」.
RUKI was really busy, so the meeting about the shoot was done 3 nights before the shoot.
RUKI developed the base ideas in collaboration with the stylist, makeup artist, and camera man, and the meeting went late into the night as they talked about things like, "If that's the case, let's do this," "Between these, this one's better," and so on.
Even though there was so little time as it was to prep for the shoot, nobody wanted to compromise.
Everyone got really pumped up, and there was an excited discussion of, "Instead of that, this is definitely more interesting!"
As expected of the GazettE, it was a meeting that showed that when it comes to making an amazing product, the sophistication of the GazettE's creative team is almost frightening.
Well, the keywords that emerged from that meeting: Bondage, Lowrider, and Punk.
The cover photo features bondage, with a fetishistic Ruki.

I think you can see it if you look closely, but in this photo, beneath the jacket is bare skin. And the corset and lapel were also worn directly over bare skin.
So fetishistic!!
And, here's 1 photo taken from today's shoot and specially uploaded just for you!

Fufufu, the car that RUKI is riding is a pretty intense lowrider, and it's really really badass.
And why is the Ruki in bondage there?
Naturally, he's coolly presenting his deformed view of the world.
This is all I can show you this time around, but the real thing is wayyy more amazing.
You definitely have to check this outtttt!
And to the people who realized,
Where is the last keyword--punk?
You're really observant!
Actually, that particular photo is even more crazy!
Eh? Who's that foreigner? Isn't that Nancy Spungen?
It was a really provocative picture with that sort of a look.
There are a definitely a lot of cosplayers like this, right?
And, with the interview, we asked about things about 「FADELESS」and things about 『BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY』
things about the first overseas tour after 6 years, things about the visual scene, and also things about idols...
Also in the interview is the theme that encompassed the recording, the decisions they made, the unity within the band--the fans might unintentionally tear up!
Anyways, anyways, this time's ROCK AND READ's content will be the most exhilarating ever!
You gotta seriously look forward to it!
To be honest, I've been running all over the place lately that I wasn't even thinking of translating anything for another few weeks.
But, after I saw this RR cover--how could I not be curious about what was going on in the VK world?!
What do you guys think of this image? I thought Ruki, who normally tried so hard to steer away from being "cute" or "soft" in any regard managed to completely turn a traditionally "cute" bunny on its head. Tell us your thoughts and comments in the comments below!
And, as usual, follow MICHIDO with a like on Facebook, a follow on Twitter and a subscription Tumblr!