Table of Contents
Rock & Read - RR49 RR Interview Report Part I (RUKI / the GazettE) [08.13.2013]

Golden Bomber - Utohiroba Jun - Even if this is a VK fanboy's blog, you can't call it that. [09.19.2012]
Rock & Read - RR43 Coverage Inside Story Part 1 of season1(戒/the GazettE) [08.01.2012]
03.11.2012 Alice Nine - Shou - One Year, [03.11.2012]
03.11.2012 Golden Bomber - Kiryuuin Shou - Balls [03.11.2012]
03.11.2012 ScReW - Byou - 2012.3.11 [03.11.2012]
10.02.2011 Rock & Read - "RR38 Inside story season2 Part1(葵/the GazettE)" [10.02.2011]
10.01.2011 Rock & Read - "RR38 Inside story season2 Part 2(ヒロト/Alice Nine)" [10.02.2011]
09.30.2011 Rock & Read - "RR38 Inside Story seasin2 Part 3 (aoi with bon:cra-z)" [10.02.2011]
07.10.2011 kanonxkanon - Kanon Wakeshima - "Hamburger" [07.24.2011]
07.05.2011 kanonxkanon - Kanon Wakeshima - "4th Day!" [07.24.2011]
07.05.2011 kanonxkanon - Kanon Wakeshima - "3rd Day!" [07.24.2011]
07.05.2011 kanonxkanon - Kanon Wakeshima - "2nd Day!" [07.17.2011]
07.01.2011 kanonxkanon - Kanon Wakeshima - "We're Here!" [07.17.2011]
07.04.2011 heidi. - Kiri - "I'm homeee!" [07.07.2011]
07.04.2011 heidi. - Nao - "Back in the Country" [07.07.2011]
07.04.2011 heidi. - Kiri - "Done with the live!!" [07.07.2011]
06.30.2011 heidi. - Kiri - "From America" [07.07.2011]
03.14.2011 Golden Bomber - Kiryuuin Shou - "The Frenzy in my Mind" [03.14.2011]
01.05.2011 Alice Nine - Saga - 2011/01/05 [01.06.2011]
01.05.2011 Alice Nine - Nao - Tomorrow's Nippon Budoukan☆ [01.06.2011]
01.06.2011 Alice Nine - Hiroto - -2011_01_06- [01.06.2011]
01.01.2011 Alice Nine - Shou - 2010。。。2011!! [01.06.2011]
12.13.2010 D=Out - Kouki - Love,Takada no Baba AREA☆【4390】 [12.14.2010]
VA for Tsutaya Vol. 136 feat. Ruki (the GazettE) [10.31.2013]

Rock & Read 049 feat. Satoshi (Girugamesh) [10.21.2013]
H'evn Another Side Vol. 008: D=Out - Kouki [11.26.2011]
Shoxx Vol. 135: The GazettE Part II [05.09.2011]
Shoxx Vol. 135: The GazettE Part I [04.24.2011]
Shoxx Vol. 128: The GazettE [03.24.2011]
HEVN Vol. 51: D=Out - Ibuki [05.30.2011]
HEVN Vol. 51: D=Out - Minase [05.16.2011]
HEVN Vol. 51: D=Out - Hikaru [03.08.2011]
HEVN Vol. 51: D=Out - Kouki [02.21.2011]
HEVN Vol. 51: D=Out - Reika [02.14.2011]
Rock&Read Vol. 04: The GazettE - Aoi Part IV [06.14.2011]
Rock&Read Vol. 04: The GazettE - Aoi Part III [06.08.2011]
Rock&Read Vol. 04: The GazettE - Aoi Part II [01.24.2011]
Rock&Read Vol. 04: The GazettE - Aoi Part I [01.01.2011]
NeoGenesis Vol 50: The GazettE - Ruki [12.25.2010]
NeoGenesis Vol 50: The GazettE - Kai [12.20.2010]
NeoGenesis Vol 50: The GazettE - Reita [12.13.2010]
NeoGenesis Vol 50: The GazettE - Aoi [12.06.2010]
NeoGenesis Vol 50: The GazettE - Uruha [11.28.2010]
Product Review - Ichikami Series [10.30.2011]
Kishidan World Festival 2012『Rampaging Rock'n'roll Olympics』 [05.15.2012]
Ameba News - A Loving Park Date [10.16.2011]
Ameba News - Yakiniku Personality Test [09.26.2011]
Goo News - Matching Couple Items [09.14.2011]
Natalie Mu - Announcement of Tsubakiya Shijuusou's Breakup [01.11.2011]