Wooowwwww, how long has it been since we had a magazine translation?? I'm not even going to put a date because it'd be embarrassing to admit.
With the American Thanksgiving in my lap, I want to show grateful I am for a break from my 3 jobs by putting up a project! Thanks for being so patient and still following us! I promise that we've got more projects coming up, and we've got some dramatic news on the way too! ;)
At any rate, this piece is from volume 8 of H'evn Another Side. Kouki reveals his first love and talks about how he was a sports freak when he was a kid. If that isn't enough for you, then you definitely have to read about why he couldn't date until high school--even though I'm pretty sure he had girls falling all over his feet.
If you're still interested in getting the magazine, it's available at CD Japan!
And on to monk-like Kouki we go!

Kouki: My dad was a track and field coach and he was always training me. I remember when I was in kindergarten I always won first place in the foot races. There's a beach called Suma beach. I always trained there and always got first place. It was sort of like if I didn't get first place then I had failed something. (laughs)
--Did you go to supplementary after-school lessons?
Kouki: In elementary school I was in the little league baseball team. I took abacus lessons starting from the 3rd year of elementary school to about 6th year up to level 2. Baseball was also from 3rd year to about 6th year.
--Did you also join the baseball club?
Kouki: Baseball was more or less like softball, but I wasn't a good player. I got 3s in almost everything on my report card except Physical Education, which I got a 5 in.
5 being highest, 0 being lowest
--Did you have a favourite school subject?
Kouki: Art and social studies. I was really bad at math though.
--I hated math too. It's like, "Isn't it enough if we can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?" (laughs)
Kouki: And you keep thinking about it, right? I was really bad at home economics too. There's always a girl that's really good at that class. I either got the group leader or someone really good at it to do it for me.

Kouki: I guess you can say I wasn't a very bright kid. There were kids who are really good at sports that always get the top places, and kids who are good at studying always study a lot for some reason...By the time I entered junior high things suddenly changed. I was quite a mischievous kid. To put it in a more modern way I was “Oraora type.” (laughs)
--Who was your first love?
Kouki: It was Ms. Kimura, a new kindergarten teacher at the time. I still remember it, even now. But when I think back, she was really young--in her early 20s. I guess that means I was mature for my age (laughs)
--Where did you go for school trips?
Kouki: I went to Ise. For fifth years, there was something like a week-long camp at an eco-institute that was a lot of fun. We had a camp fire and even played dare. For some reason someone dared me to play a ghost (laughs). Then I thought I could probably run off to do something else if I was a ghost because I'd be a ghost wandering around (laughs). I'm the type that likes to scare people, and usually I'm in the right place at the right time to do that.

--What instrument did you play in elementary school music festivals?
I played the pianica. And the recorder had the most people because it was a group of people who couldn't play anything, but I played the pianica (laughs). I still have it at home with my name written on it. I still use it when I want to play music.
--Do you remember what you wrote for graduation?
I wrote about my parents. “My Dream” was the title but, because my parents were always playing sports and also taught baseball, my dream was to become a baseball player. Up till then I was having fun learning baseball so for the time being I wrote that because I wanted to be like my parents. After that, I also wrote “and pro baseball players can earn millions of dollars.” (laughs)
--Did you still play baseball in junior high?
I did. I was completely sure that I'd become a baseball player. When I was a 1st year, there was a really scary 3rd year. He was seriously like those gangsters in mangas. Elementary kids know nothing about a hierarchy, right? It's after you get into junior high that you come face to face with it. But I questioned it and there was a period of time when I resisted it. It was like, the guys better at it were at the top, right? They weren't selfish and they got along with their team mates. At that time I even bullied the seniors. I was a bully (laughs). I really liked going against people stronger than me. Kids in their third year are really scary, huh.

I wore a Gakuran. Blazers aren't common in Kansai, you know. Most of the schools wear gakuran.
--You still didn't start music in Junior High?
Not at all. I didn't even think about music. Baseball was really tough and I was immersed in it. Which is why even dating was after the third year of junior high after the baseball club finished. Before that it was all about baseball.
--Where did you go for that school trip?
We went skiing in Nagano. I've skated before, but skiing was a first. And there wasn't a lot of time, so when I finally improved, it was the end of the trip. But it was fun though.
--Do you have any memories from your graduation ceremony?
In elementary, junior high and high school I cried. I cried really hard, especially in junior high, because everyone in the baseball club made a promise to stay together, but we all ended up separating.
--Was music after entering high school?
It was still baseball in high school. In junior high we were only allowed to have a sports cut on the team, so in high school nothing but buzz cuts were allowed so I had to cut it too.
--3 years of intense baseball?
It was 2 years, and honestly I was really bad at it. In the first year I was allowed to play but I wasn't motivated at all and my team mates weren't either...During junior high I was too into baseball but I felt really unsatisfied. Despite the strict relationship between the seniors and juniors in the club, I couldn't really get used to it. The 1st and 2nd years used a storage place as a clubroom, but a proper clubroom was only for the 3rd years. We ended up throwing away the captain's uniform and gloves and quitting. (laughs) A friend and I quit but in the end the captain couldn't put up with the situation either. In my 2nd year I didn't join any clubs. It was after 3rd year of high school when bands were popular and then it started when I was said, “Hey, let's start a band!”
--Did you start off with vocals?
--What made you decide to continue with vocals?
Same as baseball--when I start one thing, I don't do anything else. I'm the type that gets completely absorbed in what I'm doing and I got into vocals pretty quickly. Despite the fact that we were a cover band in high school, I thought I could make a living out of it (laughs). That's how I started with vocals.
--And that's brought you to where you are now, right?
--Lastly, a message to the fans please.

Wow, can anyone imagine Kouki with a pianica? Every time I see one of those, I think of Nodame Cantabile. Someone should totally convince Kouki to do a concert with his pianica.
Anyways, tell us what you think of Kouki with a buzz cut! Also, what do you think of Kouki's taste in music? I didn't really listen to B'z before working on this post, but now I think I'm becoming more and more of a fan of them!
If you liked this interview, it's still available for purchase at CD Japan.
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