Happy Easter weekend! Once again, we stumbled on another interview, and we did a quick Part I translation of the interview. Part II should be coming along sometime soon. This was published way back in 2004, but it's got some preettyyy shocking stuff. Shocking as in the reason why Ruki isn't married yet, Uruha walking around naked, etc.
As usual, please remember to credit us if you post a preview or are translating from us. It's been frustrating finding our translations posted elsewhere without credits. We really appreciate those who take the time to contact us to translate into another language and/or post previews on their own websites and link back to us. To those of you who do this, thank you!♥
Anyways, on with these guys' ideal girls, their youthful fistfights and more!
Madara KeyWord Interview
On March 30th Gazette released their mini album “~Madara~”
This time, as Ruki tells us, different keywords from the newly released compilation of 6 songs will be the base themes for this interview. With the members' various responses, we hope to capture their true feelings in this interview. On top of that, we'll hopefully be able to get a feel for the GazettE's deep thoughts through their words.

Kai: Lately I've been hooked on an American drama Friends that's been airing on WOWOW. I get really into it to the point that I'm renting the videos and watching it continuously from the first season. One season has 6 dvds, and right now there are about 8 seasons. I've only watched up to the 3rd season, but I'm going to try my best to watch all of it.
Reita: I'm addicted to “messing things up.” For example, if I have socks on before I get in the bath I just toss it in the washing machine. If I take it off in my room then it sits there as it is for 2 to 3 days since I took it off. And today, the plate I ate jaajyan men on is still sitting around. Usually when I come back from tours, I clean up my room, but it gets messy pretty quickly. Since I'm living alone I kind of don't have a spot where I can sleep. Or maybe it's because I've become dirty as well (laughs)
Aoi: It also related to socks for me, but its more like I'm addicted to “the feeling of taking off your socks”. When I take off my socks there's that nice liberating feel. But, it's kind of a waste if you take it all off at once, so I stop at the arch of my foot and walk around like that. It feels really good if you do it that way, and I roll it up one more time and leave it like that for a while. Before I go to sleep I take it off all at once and that feels even better...um...am I weird?
Uruha: I have this thing for “this is too much trouble.” For example, when I have to take a bath, it's a pain if I'm up on the second floor in my room and have to go to the first floor where the bathroom is. Plus, I put my clothes in my room, so I have to go upstairs naked.
Ruki: If that's the case then just bring your clothes with you...
Uruha: That's even more troublesome.
Reita: A short distance between the bedroom and bathroom is a luxury! My room is only 5 steps away from the bathroom.
Ruki: For me it's about 2 to 3 steps. Anyways, I have a nicotine addiction. For example when we're making the demo tracks and we finish recording the rhythm, I have to smoke. After each stage of recording I have to smoke. Thanks to that I smoke 2 packs in a day. I really can't imagine my daily life without the existence of tobacco.

Ruki: I really hate girls who insult other people without giving it a second thought. My ideal kind of girl is someone who's feminine, and someone who's a little shy when she isn't wearing any makeup even though she's still charming without it. Something innocent like that.
Interviewer: Have you actually dated this“ideal girl” of yours before?
Ruki: I doubt it..if she existed I would have married her by now.
Reita: He rejects the people who are interested in him, but chases after the people who aren't interested in him.
Aoi: My ideal type of girl is someone who can cook and not someone who buys lunches from the convenience store. Basically, someone who can properly cook three meals for me is the most ideal.
Reita: Being together with a girl who has a gentle aura. My ideal girl is definitely someone who can heal you.
Uruha: The kind of girl I am attracted to is someone with a nurturing feminine instinct. No matter how stiff and awkward guys are when they are with a girl, they'll still want to be pampered. So a girl with that kind of an affectionate motherly instinct is attractive.
Kai: A woman I respect is definitely my mom. My parents divorced and my mom raised me all by herself while managing an independent business. I really respect her and how she supported the family financially while bringing me up. As for my ideal girl, it's someone who waits for me as I say, “I'm home,” when I return and who is protective of our family.

Reita: This is a story from when I was in elementary school. I had a white rabbit then. I left that rabbit in a huge cage, and I would often put a collar on it and take it out with me to play. But, one day, when I got back from school, the rabbit wasn't in its cage. Even though my sister was only joking when she said, 「Granny threw it away,」I went and gave my granny a light kick in the butt when she was sleeping...to this day, I still think what I did was terrible, and I'm really sorry I did it.
Aoi: I only injured my mom one time, around the time when I was quitting high school. I was going out at night to go play and hang out, and she stopped me. When I was shaking off the hand she grabbed me with, I elbowed her in the arm, and she got a bruise. At that time, I kept going, 「I'm sorry」, but no matter how much I apologized, I also felt hurt and guilty.
Uruha: That's not bad, you know. When I went through my rebellious stage in middle school, I put holes in the wall, stole bikes, shoplifted, kicked my mom in the back, fought with my sister, but I didn't want to lose to my dad, so I didn't fight with him much. Well, my rebellious spirit was really dependent on other people's kindness.
Kai: For me, I felt my father was an unforgivable person, so I was always defiant towards him. There were endless reasons on top of that, but at any rate, each time he made my mother cry, my dad and I got in a fist fight. As a result, when my parents divorced, and they were deciding, 「Who's going to have custody of him,」 I made it clear that I was going to be in my mother's custody.
Reita: On that note, Aunty says you're the spitting image of your father.
Kai: What?! I always thought, 「I never want to be like my father」though...You're kidding right? About that? (laugh)
Ruki: For me, I went through my rebellious period until recently. Especially with things related to the band...Recently though, when I was doing an interview for a magazine like this, I've gotten some support. At any rate, there were disagreements (laugh). And there were times when I ran away from home. But when it comes to hitting me when I was rebellious, in my situation, should I say that there wasn't an instance like that? My parents are super strong. Things like my dad's punches, if you took one of those, your vision would go white. And kicking into my mum...Even until now, it's really scary. But, well, I have a nice dad and mom!
Wow, was that intense or what?! I thought it was pretty shocking how Ruki's never been hit by his parents and Uruha walking around naked in his house because he's so lazy (laugh). Also, was anyone weirded out about Aoi's sock habits? I could understand where he was coming from, but getting to the same spot as him...(・・;)
Please let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and I'm looking forward to (and waiting, hahaha...) replying~!
Look forward to Part II soon and happy Easter!
this was nice to read :) thanks! and.. Aoi is weird, and I share Uruha's laziness lol
God damn Uruha. Abusive ass. lol And it sounds like he's just casually talking about it.. "Yeah dude thats nothing.. Ive done .......... Ha~"
LOL they're pretty freaking rough.
Thanks for this.
Oh wow, Aoi's habit is hilarious! And I'd love to stalk Uruha's apartment once in a while (scary huh? XD).
And to read Kai talking about his family, how much he hates his Dad, it's heartbreaking (;___;)
What shocked me the most was actually when Uruha said he did lots of violent stuff at home! I always thought he was the gentle, calm guy... I guess I was wrong?
Thank you so much for the translation! I'll be waiting for the next part ^^
Thanks for the translation, it's always happiness to read this sort of random things like Aoi's socks addiction or naked Uruha ! xD I got same thought as Ruki, why Uru doesn't brought his clothes with him ?
Lol @ Reita who kicked his granny's butt ! He didn't say if he finally found his rabbit or not !
Poor Kai, he didn't have an easy family life, same as Ruki (even if it's not the same reason), always sad to read this...
aahh,, thanks alot for translating this..
and,, this is first time i've read Kai talk about his father..
ps: first time commenting here,, yoroshiku.. m(_ _)m
Thank you so much~! It was such a cute interview XD
But Aoi's weird sock thing... I actually feel the same way XD I feel like so relived when I take them off X3 but I don't play with them like that XD hahaha and Wow Uru seriously?! But... well I'm lazy like that too... XD okay well I understand his lazyness lol...
Awe poor Ruki I'm sure he'll find that girl one day ^^ maybe just not now but one day! ^^
And wow were they so violent in their younger years! O.O Gosh Imagine their children~! XD lol
Well their weirdos and so funny and adorable
Thank you so much for this can't awit for part II!
yes..yes..aoi is hilarious..last night i rewatch RCE grand finale, aoi bowing like a prince to his fangirls!!he is kakoi!!
woo..ruki, i thought he was a serious rebel, but he act more modest than other members..
this is my 1st time got to know bout kai family too..
uruha, now i know why u've been chasing by gangster..^ ^
seems that reita was a good kid??
thanks u're the best mou ichido!!
Thank you so much for the great interview ^^
Yeah, Aoi's habit is weird -_-
As the person above me has said, i didn't expect Uruha to do all the violent stuff back then. On my mind set, he's always the most gentle and calm member in gaze '__' Maybe that's the evil side he rarely unleashes for us to see :D
Always have fun reading Reita's answers, esp the story about his rabbit lol~
Glad to know more about leader-sama. I never knew his parents'd divorced. Reading Kai's interview often brought me a certain kind of surprise.
I was pretty taken aback by Uruha saying he kicked his mom in the back...wtf? Well, since that was in middle school I guess he was pretty young, but that's scary. And I could never imagine he was that rebellious, he always seems so kind and calm, haha.
And I see Ruki was always way too demanding when it comes to girls, lol.
Also, I didn't know Kai had those issues with his dad. I think it's great that he's grateful for all his mom went through to raise him by herself. She obviously did a great job since he's such a nice person.
Thank you! I always end up writing way too much hahaha.
PS: I'd like to quote Uruha's words in my tumblr if that's okay? Will definitely put the link of this blog for the rest of the post as well of course :D
@Kaogasm [Aoi is weird, and I share Uruha's laziness lol] I think I share Aoi's weirdness and Uruha's laziness...crap! hehe, glad you enjoyed it! :D
@Anonymous [God damn Uruha. Abusive ass] I thought the same thing! I kept wondering if maybe I was misunderstanding it, but still, the way he talked about his 'rebellious' age...guess it was good he was probably still physically weak, eh~
@Aki [And I'd love to stalk Uruha's apartment once in a while (scary huh? XD] Scary only for Uruha! Allow me to join you with my ultra zoom binoculars! hehe, and please feel free to quote on your tumblr! Thanks for promoting~!
@Miyu [I got same thought as Ruki, why Uru doesn't brought his clothes with him?] I thought the same thing! I wonder why it's too troublesome...and yeah, Kai's section was a bit of a depressing chunk u_u
@401_tsubasa [ps: first time commenting here,, yoroshiku.. m(_ _)m] Aw, thanks for commenting! And yeah, it's a rare interview where Kai mentions someone besides his mom...
@zenetsuto [But Aoi's weird sock thing... I actually feel the same way XD I feel like so relived when I take them off X3 but I don't play with them like that XD] EXACTLY! I thought the same thing! Rolling them down halfway so he can take them off later?? I guess to each their own? haha!
@lukluk zuraida [he is kakoi!!] Even with his half rolled socks! Thanks so much~ We're glad we've got people who really enjoy our work :D
@syzygy-lestat [Reading Kai's interview often brought me a certain kind of surprise.] I agree! Nowadays, they talk so much about their music, it's nice knowing more about them as individuals :)
@Pat [Thank you! I always end up writing way too much hahaha.] Never such a thing as writing too much! We loveeeee long comments!♥ And yeah, I totally like how Kai really loves his mom. Hope my kids are like that...
n i tot ruki would be the most rebellious.
kai got into fist fight with his dad,...i understand him.
n uruha,..what?what?? u delinquent,..now his confession just give credit to my friend about her theory of my weird liking towards delinquents.=.=
they changed ryte? uhuhu~~
anyway,thanksssss sooooo much!!!
lolol, uruha prancing around in his home naked. (I do that too, I don't bother to bring my clothes to the bathroom, just do a quick look left and right and dart out of my room into the toilet before anyone catches me. XD)
It did surprise me how rebellious they were, and hurting their parents made me feel all >: for a moment, tsk. As for Kai's situation when he was young with the divorce and issues with his mom/dad, it sounds similar to what i been through, lol.
Thank you so much for translating, it was wonderful to read during class lecture. :B
Aoi's sock habit is suuuuuuper weird...jeeeez where do you suddenly think "I'm gonna leave my sock half on my foot" What a weiiiiiiiiiiirdo XD
Thank you for translating!
Fancy imagining Kai watching Friends. Heh!
my God i feel ok about Uruha's habit, but as for Aoi... Was he really serious?!
Man....Aoi is sooo sexy, i can imagine him taking off his sock slowly and flirtly XDDD.
Didnt Uruha said once that he likes to leave the window open while he takes a bath?....this guy is an exhibitionist!! xDDDDDDDDDD *pervet smile*
Im shocked about how violent were Uru and Kai...and thats confirm my theory: the real violent and dangerous people are the most calm and nice (the one who are always showing off their rudeness *cough*rukiandreita*cough* are not real ruders xD)
thanks for translating!
As odd as everyone makes Aoi's socks habit seem, I actually do the same thing. XDDD I love the feeling of socks half way on then rolling it back up. Sometimes, I'd take my socks off then put them back on a little later. It makes me feel better that Aoi has the same habit. (:
and oh my god, Reita's bunny story made me laugh so much. AND I WOULD HAVE NEVER IMAGINED KAI FIST FIGHTING! @__@
but thanks for the translation! <3
LOL Thank you so much! ^^
Haha Aoi's socks obsession.. how cute xD
I can never imagine KAI fist fighting with his father...whaat..? .____. how..? xD
Uruha..ahhh -nosebleed-
Uwaa cool translation, a really different one from the usual "what music means to you' kind of interview >0<.
So that is where Kai got his motherly act, because he hate his father --_--
Thanks for this translation!
First of all,thank you so much for translating!
Like everybody that comments here,I too never would imagined that uruha and kai are the violent type.But I understand why kai did that to his father because he's protecting his mother.Once again,thank you and can't wait for part 2 ^^
Aoi's socks habit amaze me cause even if I'm that lazy, I never took the socks halfway.Its easier to pull it out XDD And Uruha's mom must be in constant headache during his rebellious phase.
2 packs of smokes per day?I hope Ruki would eventually stops smoking.
Thank you for sharing XD
thanks for translating ^_^
well, we all have our habits and weirdnesses 8D
thank you for translating! I definitely enjoyed this article. There just normal guys like the rest of us, even with their weird habits.
Loved how Reita continued to make a small comment after the members said something. It was funny! I definitely appreciate the short distance to the bathroom now, LOL, poor Uruha, he's so lazy^^
I wonder how they would answer these questions today, would they stay the same or would there be some differences? Again, thanks for the translation. Can't wait for part 2, I'm excited!!
As always thanks for translating!! (Like everyone said)
This was very interesting especially about their rebellious phase. That was the most interesting. Also their view of women is very interesting from a US perspective. It shows the differences between Japanese women and US women. If a guy wanted a girl like that in the US... well there are some but good luck. I hope they find their ideal mates!!
Strangely enough...I totally understand Aoi's sock thing XD guess we're both weird
And Uruha...I have a hard time picturing him being rebellious like that...but the laziness not so much XD haha Like dude...listen to Ruki and take your clothes with you O___o
Thank you for the translation!
Never knew Uruha was so violent in his rebellious stage. He seems so mellow now. haha, Just cant really imagine it.
Aoi's obsession with his sock is funny! There cant be many people in this world who takes off their socks the way he does. I wonder if he still does it now?
Me too! Ruki and Aoi were on the top of my list but surprisingly they aren't.
Haha you know what they say,
bad boys have more edge to them (〃ゝ艸・)
Glad you enjoyed the read and thank you for commenting!
I didn't think he was this lazy! Haha I still don't get the sock thing, that was weird for me lol.
We're happy you enjoyed it! Thank you so much for dropping us a comment!
It isssss! I was like how are you going to walk like that? Haha.
Thank you so much for the comment!
No problem! Friends is really popular in Japan!
Thank you for commenting (〃'▽'〃)
Haha his habit is really weird,
I don't really get it too.
Thank you for commenting!
@ラス. シグアパス,
If Uruha by any chance leaves his curtains open his neighbours are gonna have a show to see lol.
Glad you enjoyed the read and thank you for commenting!
I tried it, and its a little weird. Haha I never imagined Mr. Sunshine so violent as well.
Always interesting to learn more about them!
Thank you for commenting!
I never imagined it too! But I guess he was just really protective of his mom.
Thank you for the comment! (〃'▽'〃)♪
I enjoy translating interviews like these too! Very refreshing since translating music jargons gives me a headache! Glad you enjoyed the translation and thank you for the comment.
No problem! Thank you for the comment!
You're welcome! Despite Kai being violent back then it's really sweet of him protecting his mom.
Yup, please stay tuned for the second part! More interesting stuff on the way!
Thank you for dropping by and leaving us a comment!
2 packs a day is a looott! I hope he has reduced his dosage too! Not good for health!
Thank you for commenting!
Haha, we certainly do! Thank you for commenting!
Haha Reita is always the funny man. He does it throughout the interview! Yeah it would be interesting to know how they would answer today. Maybe they haven't changed that much? Part 2 will be exciting too! Thank you for commenting!
You're welcome!
They're a bunch of pretty traditional guys (〃'▽'〃)
I hope they can find their dream girls one day too!
Thank you for commenting!
Haha, I wonder if he still does it.
Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment!
Me too. He seems so calm and level-headed I never imagined him as a violent kid.
Thank you for commenting!
Uruha that was some shocking things...BUT I STILL LOVE YOU XD
Thank you. Would you happen to have scans of the original? I'm curious to read it in Japanese.
This interview is very funny. This and 2° part. I really love them. Is nice to know more about the GazettE's members c:
Thank you so much for you translation. But I same a noob question. Is about Uruha's defiantly attitude. He stolen motorcycle or bicycles? Because in my languaje "bike" could be both. And I think is not the some stolen a bicycle or motorbike xd
Thank you so much! I really enjoy this interview c:
thanks for the translations!
wow Uruha was a bad kid huh
oh please tell Ruki to quit smoking it's really bad for his health!
thanks for the translations!
wow Uruha was a bad kid huh
oh please tell Ruki to quit smoking it's really bad for his health!
Strangely enough...I totally understand Aoi's sock thing XD guess we're both weird
And Uruha...I have a hard time picturing him being rebellious like that...but the laziness not so much XD haha Like dude...listen to Ruki and take your clothes with you O___o
As always thanks for translating!! (Like everyone said)
This was very interesting especially about their rebellious phase. That was the most interesting. Also their view of women is very interesting from a US perspective. It shows the differences between Japanese women and US women. If a guy wanted a girl like that in the US... well there are some but good luck. I hope they find their ideal mates!!
Aoi's socks habit amaze me cause even if I'm that lazy, I never took the socks halfway.Its easier to pull it out XDD And Uruha's mom must be in constant headache during his rebellious phase.
2 packs of smokes per day?I hope Ruki would eventually stops smoking.
Thank you for sharing XD
Thanks for this translation!
LOL Thank you so much! ^^
Haha Aoi's socks obsession.. how cute xD
I can never imagine KAI fist fighting with his father...whaat..? .____. how..? xD
Uruha..ahhh -nosebleed-
As odd as everyone makes Aoi's socks habit seem, I actually do the same thing. XDDD I love the feeling of socks half way on then rolling it back up. Sometimes, I'd take my socks off then put them back on a little later. It makes me feel better that Aoi has the same habit. (:
and oh my god, Reita's bunny story made me laugh so much. AND I WOULD HAVE NEVER IMAGINED KAI FIST FIGHTING! @__@
but thanks for the translation! <3
my God i feel ok about Uruha's habit, but as for Aoi... Was he really serious?!
Thank you for translating!
Fancy imagining Kai watching Friends. Heh!
lolol, uruha prancing around in his home naked. (I do that too, I don't bother to bring my clothes to the bathroom, just do a quick look left and right and dart out of my room into the toilet before anyone catches me. XD)
It did surprise me how rebellious they were, and hurting their parents made me feel all >: for a moment, tsk. As for Kai's situation when he was young with the divorce and issues with his mom/dad, it sounds similar to what i been through, lol.
Thank you so much for translating, it was wonderful to read during class lecture. :B
n i tot ruki would be the most rebellious.
kai got into fist fight with his dad,...i understand him.
n uruha,..what?what?? u delinquent,..now his confession just give credit to my friend about her theory of my weird liking towards delinquents.=.=
they changed ryte? uhuhu~~
anyway,thanksssss sooooo much!!!
PS: I'd like to quote Uruha's words in my tumblr if that's okay? Will definitely put the link of this blog for the rest of the post as well of course :D
Thank you so much for the great interview ^^
Yeah, Aoi's habit is weird -_-
As the person above me has said, i didn't expect Uruha to do all the violent stuff back then. On my mind set, he's always the most gentle and calm member in gaze '__' Maybe that's the evil side he rarely unleashes for us to see :D
Always have fun reading Reita's answers, esp the story about his rabbit lol~
Glad to know more about leader-sama. I never knew his parents'd divorced. Reading Kai's interview often brought me a certain kind of surprise.
yes..yes..aoi is hilarious..last night i rewatch RCE grand finale, aoi bowing like a prince to his fangirls!!he is kakoi!!
woo..ruki, i thought he was a serious rebel, but he act more modest than other members..
this is my 1st time got to know bout kai family too..
uruha, now i know why u've been chasing by gangster..^ ^
seems that reita was a good kid??
thanks u're the best mou ichido!!
Thanks for the translation, it's always happiness to read this sort of random things like Aoi's socks addiction or naked Uruha ! xD I got same thought as Ruki, why Uru doesn't brought his clothes with him ?
Lol @ Reita who kicked his granny's butt ! He didn't say if he finally found his rabbit or not !
Poor Kai, he didn't have an easy family life, same as Ruki (even if it's not the same reason), always sad to read this...
this was nice to read :) thanks! and.. Aoi is weird, and I share Uruha's laziness lol
Damn, Aoi is kinda......sexist........
Damn Aoi is kinda............sexist...........
This interview is really interesting. Thanks for posted it. I had translated it into polish on my blog. (setsune-no-yume.blogspot.com)
I really don't think Aoi means it in a sexist way though. It's probably because he travels so much and eats out so much, having three meals home cooked for you is probably really nice.
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