Hello everyone! ちゃ―――ヾ( ・∀・)ノ―――ぉ
We have yet another new project! I'm sure all the Golden Bomber fans will like this!
Just to let everyone know, I'm personally not a Golden Bomber fan but after watching a couple of youtube videos B✿chan sent me I thought "All right, these guys are pretty funny."
I was checking the schedules on Nippon Broad Casting Station and I stumbled across Kiryuuin's "All Night Nippon" show. The show broadcasts from 1am to 3am Japan time, and boy, is that loooong! I managed to get through it though. I laughed a lot and that's always a good sign (*≧∀≦)
So what I plan to do is to provide everyone the highlights of the show with rough translation snippets. I won't be translating everything mainly because it's really long and I really don't have the time or energy to translate and make sure everything is accurate. So I apologize for that.
Up to now I've listened to a couple of the All Night Nippon segments. Honestly, I feel like I'm listening to a late night “dirty talk show” (laughs). I'm not joking it's pretty...no it's reeeally dirty!
Is he really allowed to talk about these things on live radio? (。´pq`)*gasp*
Feel free to translate it into your language/ other languages. All you need to do is credit link back to us, and let us know the link to your translation. If you have any more questions, send us an email. We would like you to let us know, mainly so we can promote it to people who follow us, and “mou ichido” it in other languages. :)
Anyways, without any further ado, here are the highlights of Golden Bomber's Kiryuin's "All Night Nippon".
*Note: To avoid any confusion what Kiryuuin says are in quotes and the rest are my explanations and reactions.
☆Let's get started!☆
『Kiryuuin Shou's All Night Nippon』
Opening song: Kiss me from the devil child
“Why didn't you tell me earlier who today's guest is?!”
Kiryuuin opens tonight's "All Night Nippon" with this outburst.
Tonight's guest is someone from the days Kiryuuin spent working in the convenience store, a model from Seventeen ~ Miss Kiritani Mirei! (Suuuper cute♥)
According to Kiryuuin,
“I've been a big fan of Kiritani Mirei since she started appearing on Seventeen!”
If the guest is going to Kiritani Mirei and you tell her staff the day of her appearance, they'll definitely get pissed off.
“If you told me who the guest was earlier, I would have made sure to clean my entire body and not just soak half of it in the bath*!”
*There's a method of bathing where you soak half your body one day and soak the other half the next day. Not to say Kiryuuin isn't clean (I think). He should've showered before he got in the bath, as per the Japanese way......I hope.

Bombarded with complaints from the fans!
At a previous in-store event he couldn't make proper eye contact with the fans! Especially the girls!
“My back was drenched with sweat!”
The way he is so shy and nervous is kind of cute. I'm pretty sure you Kiryuuin fans think so too.

Yoshizawa Akiko (an AV—Adult Videos for those who don't know—actress currently rising in popularity.)
Kiryuuin talks about it sooooooo enthusiastically. I couldn't help but laugh at this. It was also her 27th birthday so he wished her a happy birthday ♪(o´∀`b)b♪
“Miss Yoshizawa, I love you! So please give me a caall♪!”
“You know, it'd be great if she calls...aaah I can ask Miss Yoshizawa about the colour of her panties~hmm”
Oh gawd...are you serious? laughs

Here's the snippet of this segment. Highly suggest you listen to it!
“Oh yeah~3D TVs have become pretty popular lately...”
“So I was at Yodobashi-Camera store, and I stood in front of the a huge TV screens with the 3D glasses on.”
“I look so bad with them on, it's uncool! Anyways, the display on the screen really comes at you.
At that time AKB48's promotional video was playing...
Aaaannnd...theeeen....immediately...thaaaat...thooosee...AKB48's.... theeeiirr...aahhh...
a lot...a looott...*giggles*...there sure is a lotttt of skin eh~ *pervy laugh* Hmm~looks really yummy.”
“It was like...like watching an AV *giggles*”
“Hmm...do they have 3D AV? I heard that it hasn't come out yet?
OHH *burst into pervy giggle fits*
“Should I buy a 3D TV? The AV now is totally different! IT'S FOR AV! FOR THE SAKE OF AV!”
“Ah, but having to watch TV every time with glasses is a pain!”
“ And 3D TV's soooooooo stoopidly pricey! What should I do??”
“Aaaaahhhh...should I buy it?”
“Hmm...I'll go to Yodobashi and say I want to watch AV, I want to buy this, but I want to test it out first!”
“No waaaaayyy eh~I mean there's a lot of families and children around. I can't watch AV in front of them...no I won't do it!” *giggles*
“But when it gets cheaper I want to try it outtt~”
*pervy laugh pervy laugh all the way♪*
This is was probably the video Kiryuuin was referring to:
I don't know what to say...rendered speechless LOL (and kind of disgusted?! -B✿)

Kiryuuin is on the cover of Men's SPIDER for May's issue. The magazine features some hot visual/host style guys.
“Do you all know about Men's SPIDER?”
“It's a fashion magazine that you can buy at the convenience stores, and it features only hot guys.”
“It's one of the top 'hot' guys fashion magazines~ Men's SPIDER!”
“Mainly a visual-host style magazine...and really it only features good-looking guys. Hakuei from Penicillin was on the cover of last month's issue together with two other models.”
“This month is Kiryuuin on the cover...ISN'T IT WEIRD?!”
“Yeah, so I was chosen to be on the cover. I already went to the photo shoot, and yes, I had make up on (laughs)”
“Why was I picked, eh? I'm in the middle with full make up on. Two models from Men's SPIDER and me...on the cover!”
“When I found out, I thought it was a joke, but after going to the photo shoot...I asked the producer, "Why did I get picked to be on the cover?'”
“And, last year on April Fool's, I thought up of some pranks. Hey, look Kiryuuin is on the cover of Men's SPIDER and I was going to photoshop myself onto the cover (laughs). Just my big face on the cover♪”
Then he goes on to explain how he met with the producer of Men's SPIDER a few months back and how they selected him. Kiryuuin was really happy and thanked them for picking him.
“The models up close don't look like human...does that mean I don't look human too?!”
“Please buy it! Together with your bento!”
"Please please please buy Men's SPIDER okay~ AAAHHH WILL IT SELL?!?!”
Big headed Kiryuuin looks like a space alien(^-^)⊃ ♪
Note: For those who are interested, you can buy Men's SPIDER on Amazon JP

“Usually, when I'm on my way home from work, I mutter things like ah~is something bad going happen today? Oh~something bad's gonna happen♪♪♪ and start from that.”
“I'm on my way home from the station, dragging my feet and singing out my feelings. Oh this good~Ooh, isn't it good?! And then I record it on my iPhone (starts humming). When I'm home, I put it in the computer and then guitars and vocals~aah interesting isn't it (laughs)”

Fanmail 1 : “Please stop wearing trunks, tummy tee and stuff from Uniqlo!”
“It's cause I'm always wearing trunks and tummy tees and stuff from Uniqlo! (laughs)”
“But you know, Uniqlo is wonderful! I don't care about clothing designs and things like that at all. I usually get clothes from people, and I wear them but I don't know why Uniqlo fits me the best. The size is a perfect fit for my body. Stylish clothes are too flashy, and it just makes me want to take it off right away. Which is why, during the photoshoot for Men's Spider, I had to wear pants that were suppperrr tight, it was clinging on to me. It's like if you were looking at a porn mag, there's nothing you can do about....you know... it'd explode!”
Bonus Translation from Kiryuuin's Blog
In this blog entry right below the picture of his shoes he says:
"But, lately all the fashionable people are wearing these tight pants..."
"Mr Johnny Jr in between my pants is on the verge of bursting open hereeee(^-^)"
"To the models that I had the photoshoot together with, Thank you so much m(_ _)m"
"Love you guys m(_ _)m"
“What should I do? I can't be a hot guy like this...(laughs)”
Fanmail 2: “I cosplayed Momotaro and I'll be your kibidango!”
“W..w-what do you mean by that?! (laughs) I only have two though! Aaahhh Ahhh! You know THAT kind of kibidango (laughs) Miss Akiko, I wonder if you like kibidango? (laughs) I wonder if you'll like my kibidango~they're yummmmy you know! (more pervy laughter)"
Oh my gawd, Kiryuuin! LOL
Then he goes on explaining who Yoshizawa Akiko is--how she's one of the top AV actresses in the industry and things like that.
*wipes sweat*
I'm ending it here for now. I didn't think it would turn out to be so long. Look out for the rest of it...soon I guess?
Thoughts and comments anyone?☆
lol omg this is entertaining.. and just hilarious
thank you for translating <3
muahahahahah kiryuuin's such a pervert!!! XDDDD i laughed so hard at the 3rd highlight lmao.. thank you so much for this ^^
"Aaaannnd...theeeen....immediately...thaaaat...thooosee...AKB48's.... theeeiirr...aahhh..."
sho's spasm moment! can totally imagine even before listening to that snippet, XD
"OHH BOOBIES! *burst into pervy giggle fits*"
'oppai!' whaaattt?!! XD
aah! such a waste that i cant understand japanese!!
thanks! this is a very nice kick-start for my morning!!
LOL,omg he's such a pervert xDD
Thank you so much for translating ^^
thanks a lot! this made my morning!
I listened to it earlier but didn't get the most part.
(but when Kiryuuin breathes hard in the mike or giggles it's just so wow) I was imagining his voice when reading translation.
Kirisho's shyness is so cute. it's so japanese to talk about AV etc that easy and be shy with girls.
I'm not really familiar with Golden Bomber, but I have heard about Kiryuuin from your twitter. He seems to be quite a character. Hearing him laugh on the radio snippet you posted, I couldn't help but laugh so hard. He really seems to be stuck on AV? Who would have thought it would go from that to 3D, I guess only a true pervert would think about something like that LOL!!! Also, I've never heard of Men's Spider, is that a new mag?
I agree with Ibrh, to think that he can easily talk about AV but still be shy with his fans, it's so funny^^ I enjoyed this translation very much. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I would love to read the next part too!
@anonymous [lol omg this is entertaining.. and just hilarious] Kirishou is just...pretty friggin hilarious, haha! Thanks for visiting!
@vampelody [kiryuuin's such a pervert!!!] No kidding! His face seriously fools you too...;;; Thank you for the comment :]
@Lee [thanks! this is a very nice kick-start for my morning!! ƪ(ˇ▼ˇ)¬`] I feel like this sort of a program would kick start someone's night! ANN should be a morning program to wake people up, haha! Glad you liked it!
@anonymous [LOL,omg he's such a pervert xDD] The biggest one maybe?! I doubt it though, Kyan seems pretty pervy too lool
@lbrh [Kirisho's shyness is so cute. it's so japanese to talk about AV etc that easy and be shy with girls.] Isn't it ridiculous?? He can easily run and dance around at a street crossing in a bra, but he can't even face the girls at a store event! haha, thanks for commenting on our LJ AND this blog!
@anonymous [I'm not really familiar with Golden Bomber, but I have heard about Kiryuuin from your twitter. He seems to be quite a character.] I wasn't a huge fan of them, but these past few days I've been watching their youtube videos, and now I'm a huge GB fan! Their music is actually also quite nice, so definitely go check it out! I really like The Vkei ppoi (just youtube golden bomber vkei ppoi) and you'll come up with a really interesting song :] Thanks for your long comment! It was very enjoyable to read (since I love reading long comments :D)
thanks a lot! this made my morning!
I listened to it earlier but didn't get the most part.
(but when Kiryuuin breathes hard in the mike or giggles it's just so wow) I was imagining his voice when reading translation.
Kirisho's shyness is so cute. it's so japanese to talk about AV etc that easy and be shy with girls.
muahahahahah kiryuuin's such a pervert!!! XDDDD i laughed so hard at the 3rd highlight lmao.. thank you so much for this ^^
lol omg this is entertaining.. and just hilarious
thank you for translating <3
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