Hello everyone!
Wow, so it's been 10 days since we last posted! Don't worry we haven't gone missing or anything like that. It's finals week for me so I'm at war with exams. One more to go and I'll be done ィェ━━v(o´∀`o)v━━ィッ
Anyways, here is the third segment of the BayFm78 ON8 featuring Reita & Aoi.
Hope you all enjoy reading how Aoi's ass gets all sweaty! (〃'▽'〃)
Just a little note for those interested in using our translations
Feel free to translate it into your language/ other languages. All you need to do is credit link back to us, and let us know the link to your translation. If you have any more questions, send us an email. We would like you to let us know, mainly so we can promote it to people who follow us, and “mou ichido” it in other languages. :)
Feel free to translate it into your language/ other languages. All you need to do is credit link back to us, and let us know the link to your translation. If you have any more questions, send us an email. We would like you to let us know, mainly so we can promote it to people who follow us, and “mou ichido” it in other languages. :)

Guests: the GazettE: Reita & Aoi
Segment ③
DJ: After Reita, Aoi wrote, “I've been really into doing B'z covers.”
[You can check them out at the link →here←]
Aoi: Yeah. I don't have anything clever to say like Reita does.
DJ: Ah, no, no, this is something you're really into, right.
Aoi: Well, yeah, I'm really into it since it's related to the guitar.
Reita: Ah, so you're not as into the singing?
Aoi: Yeah.
Reita: Oooh.
Aoi: (laughs) If I have my guitar with me, I try to do covers, but when I'm taking a bath, I'll start singing and stuff.
DJ: You sing in the bath? (laughs)
Reita: Ah, so it's like B'z with only one person (laughs)
Aoi: Yup yup yup.
DJ: Really? Do you listen to the CD and then memorize it before you play Matsumoto's phrases?
Aoi: Ah, no I remember it.
DJ: Can you copy everything?
Aoi: Co...co...com..com..(laughs)
Reita: (Teasingly) What's wrong?
Aoi: Ummm...(laughs)
I want to...to try to do a complete cover, but (laughs) it's hard...definitely kinda difficult.
Reita: I see...
Aoi: For singing, it's like when you're in the bath...it feels really good...really awesome
Reita: Bwahaha (laughs)
DJ: Ahahaha
Aoi: I sing really loudly—like, at the top of my lungs.
DJ: Everyone will be able to hear you (laugh)
Aoi: Yeah yeah yeah!
I mean, my singing isn't too bad
DJ: Ah, so your singing's not bad, eh?
Everyone: HAHAHAHA
Reita: Not bad, eh (laughs)
This is some conversation we're having here (laughs)
Aoi: If the fans heard it, this would be a big problem.
Reita: A huge problem~
DJ: But since it's your hobby or something, then there's “no problem,” right? (laughs)
Aoi: Yeah, that's kind of a misleading way of saying it (laughs)
DJ: Well, it'd be nice if you could tell us exactly what you mean.(laughs)
Aoi: Yeah, for me I think its drawing the line at, “This is ok for me,” something like that.
DJ: So when you say, “This is a hobby,” or “ I'm really into it lately,” --you start with that sort of a feeling when you do guitar covers. But even though it's a hobby, it turns into something else and becomes a goal. That's really nice~
Aoi: No, I get really into it and even my ass starts to sweat, especially when I'm sitting down.
Reita: Aaah~
Aoi: It's cause I concentrate way too hard on it.
Reita: Ahahaha! You know, the commute time was a bit long and...
DJ: I'm sorry (laughs)
And maybe the studio is somewhat warm, so your ass is probably sweating right now (laughs)
Aoi: It sorta is, somewhat.
Reita: Do you need a towel for your seat?
Aoi: Gufufufufu (laughs)
DJ: Well, I think you should bring a towel with you from now on.
These two definitely are a combination, eh!
Reita: If you say that, Kai's going to feel left out.
DJ: (Quickly) No no no no!!!
Reita: It's alright.
DJ: No no no no noooo!!!
It's just—
Aoi & Reita : Aahh
DJ: ...how did our conversation take a turn like this?
Everyone: AHAHAHA
DJ: What's with this unpleasant feeling~ahahaha (laughs)
Reita: It feels kind of awkward.
Aoi: Yup, you feel embarrassed, right? You're even sweating!
Did you miss the previous segments?
Click to find Part I and Part II.
Yep, so I hope you all enjoyed that. This makes up for Aoi not saying so much in the last segment.
As always we love to know what you have to say!
Leave us a comment, and till the next segment ♥
Glad to know your still working on this. ^^
Keep up the good work. :D
wow....Aoi and Reita are really good in making comedy ..For Aoi, we notice that your voice ia awesome.... really...
thanks for this so alive translation, dear..
ahahahah silly aoi is silly. gotta love him more <3 and yes, his voice isn't that bad, i guess.. aaaaah momiji manju~ *laughs* thank you so much for this :)
Thank you for the translation!
i don't know how many times i've said this, but Aoi and Reita did make a successful comedy duo =)) If they weren't playing in a band, they could always do that job for a living lol~
I just couldn't stop giggling when they mentioned Kai =))
Thank you for the translation! They are both so funny! Good luck with your exams! All the best.
Thank you so much for the translation!! Anything these two talk about is guaranteed to be funny! I wish I could have heard the part where Aoi stumbles over his words about wanting to do a complete cover, I bet that was really cute^^
Also, I loved the part where Reita asked Aoi "Do you need a towel for your seat", ahahahaha!!!!! They make a good pair when it comes to comedy^^
Thank you for translating, can't wait to read what you post next. Looking forward!
Thank you for the translation!
Ahahahah, this was awesome, really~ xD thank you for the translation. :3
Aoi & Reita make the funniest/funnest pair in radio and fufufu x3 they know it~
Thank you for the translation!! n gud luck for your exams~~
deep concentration till ass sweat,....ahahahahahah!!!XD
First of all, I must say thanks for translating. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
Secondly, I have to comment that Aoi didn't say much in the last part but now, maybe, he has said too much? hahahahahah ^^ still, I love it!
Lastly, I'm a little confused about the Kai part. Is that because Kai and Reita do that other radio show together?
Yup we still are! Thank you for commenting.
@Cecilia Srihadi,
They really do make good comedians (〃ゝ艸・) I'm glad you think so and thank you so much for leaving a comment!
His silliness is absolute cuteness♥ Thank you for the comment!
Haha I would love to watch their show if they did end up becoming comedians! Thank you for leaving a comment!
You're welcome! Thank you for the comment! Much appreciated!
Haha I bet Aoi really needed the towel for his bum! No problem and thank you for leaving us a comment! Stay tuned for more!
You're welcome!
Glad you enjoyed it and thank you for commenting!
Yaaay! I'm glad you really liked it! Thank you for commenting!
Haha I can totally imagine him concentrating that hard! Thank you for commenting!
A big you're welcome to you! Haha Aoi always has a lot to say, they just didn't let him have enough talk time (〃ゝ艸・) Yeah I think they were referring to another guest appearance with Kai and Reita. Thank you for commenting!
ass start so sweat XDDDDDDDDDDDD aoi you really a funny guy
i can feel the DJ >> ( ̄wwww ̄;) XDDDDDDDDD
thx for the translate!
I missed the other two parts, only caught up on this. Their conversation is so amusing, lololol at Aoi and his sweaty ass. :'D I like how he does covers during his own free time, sounds fun.
Thank you for translating!! :D I'll read the rest when I have extra time, school has started, sigh. ):
Yup we still are! Thank you for commenting.
@Cecilia Srihadi,
They really do make good comedians (〃ゝ艸・) I'm glad you think so and thank you so much for leaving a comment!
His silliness is absolute cuteness♥ Thank you for the comment!
Haha I would love to watch their show if they did end up becoming comedians! Thank you for leaving a comment!
You're welcome! Thank you for the comment! Much appreciated!
Haha I bet Aoi really needed the towel for his bum! No problem and thank you for leaving us a comment! Stay tuned for more!
You're welcome!
Glad you enjoyed it and thank you for commenting!
Yaaay! I'm glad you really liked it! Thank you for commenting!
Haha I can totally imagine him concentrating that hard! Thank you for commenting!
A big you're welcome to you! Haha Aoi always has a lot to say, they just didn't let him have enough talk time (〃ゝ艸・) Yeah I think they were referring to another guest appearance with Kai and Reita. Thank you for commenting!
Aoi & Reita make the funniest/funnest pair in radio and fufufu x3 they know it~
Thank you for the translation!
Thank you for the translation! They are both so funny! Good luck with your exams! All the best.
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