It sounds like Tokyo's under siege, but that isn't quite the case. This past week, the giant metropolis has had its fair share of events, and MICHIDO lost some sleep scrambling to get to them all. Best of all? They were free!
Our first stop was A-nation--one of the hottest music festivals taking place in the heart of Tokyo. Featured artists included the GazettE, VAMPS, Hamasaki Ayumi, Ayabie, Acid Black Cherry and SCREW.
Even with these big-label artists at paid performances, there were ways to enjoy A-nation for free. In the Resort Area, which was Yoyogi National Gym's courtyard, there were performances and activities, such as cosplay dances and chances to see up and rising artists in person. Other venues included Shibuya AX, Ajinomoto Stadium and Shibuya Public Hall.
The Beach Park area also had entertainment and cooling stations for those who were looking for some relief from the Tokyo heat. Attendees could dip their feet into pools of icy cold water while staff provided free bags of rice and coupons for food stands close by.
Another personal favorite were the skillful skating and skateboarding demonstrations provided by Murasaki sports. Both child and adult athletes defied gravity by spinning and twisting in the air before landing safely back on the ramp.

The other major free-entry event in Tokyo was the infamous Comiket, a major manga and doujinshi market. This market takes place twice a year at Odaiba's Tokyo Big Site. You can catch it once during the summer and one more during the winter.
This was a great chance to experience a Japanese-style convention although it would be more accurate to describe it as a market for professional-level artists to sell fan work.
As a warning for those planning to visit Comiket in the future, most of the works, while well done, are not family friendly. Beware of your company! Luckily, no one in our group was a minor...
Comiket is worth the travel simply to see the fabulous cosplayers that emerge against the beautiful backdrop of Odaiba, Tokyo.

In contrast to A-nation, which provided "relaxation" stations for visitors and ample space to wander and sit down, Comiket can be a bit of a claustrophobic experience, especially during the high humidity of Japanese summers.

Tokyo Big site, for all its vastness, had little air circulation, and with over half a million people crammed into its halls, what little air conditioning there was--if there was any at all--was ineffective.
Despite that though, it was an awe-inspiring experience seeing so many people gather for a common interest. Comiket is definitely an event to attend to get a feel for the anime and otaku culture of Tokyo.
For more news about having fun in Tokyo, follow MICHIDO with an Email Subscription, on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube!
We also have more A-nation photos and Comiket photos on our Facebook, so be sure to check them out!
wow.. i'm so envious of you... did you see the music performance too? you should have right? OMG! the GazettE, VAMPS, and Ayumi Hamasaki!!!
The Beach Park takes my interest. it looked so beautiful in the photo. and seemed cooling too. what is that place? is it a food court?
the Comiket event seemed very INTERESTING! haha.. i'd like to go to one if I ever have the chance.. You are so lucky..
Thank you for giving report of your journey to the a-nation :D
an excellent report! XD
i wish i could be there with you to enjoy all the fun!
non-family-friendly fan work, huh? did you manage to grab some? *wink wink* x)
I didn't go to the major performances, unfortunately, but it was definitely beautiful! There were food stalls and tables all over the festival, but Beach Park's feature was the skating ramp and ice cold pools.
Interesting only begins to describe Comiket! I hope you get the chance to go in the future!
Thank you so much for reading and commenting☆
I actually didn't go to the concerts since I had other things to take care of, but they really are great events to check out! Beach Park had a skating ramp. Food trucks/booths were scattered all over the venue hehe
Comiket is held twice a year, so if you get a chance to come to japan, you should schedule it for that time!
Thanks so much for commenting!!
Thanks so much for the complement!
To be honest, I went to comiket with a vague idea that there would be adult works, but was shocked by the fact that about 98% of the works were adult works. What happened to some good clean fan stories?? haha, so no, I didn't grab some, but my friend did!
Thank you for commenting♥
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