Interview was taken from magazine scans provided by rawkstarr23 at in the GazettE Daily Community. Header themes were made from screencaps from orishimeinoue posted at GazettE Media.
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Hey everyone! Are you excited to read Aoi's part of the interview? I hope everyone is! In my opinion it's quite interesting, so please read and enjoy♪
Note: (I) for Interviewer and (A) for Aoi
Aoi, who wants to bring down the unapproachable public image of the band is actually a person who gets lonely easily, and is shy and sentimental. Although saying love is a pain, is it possible that he is searching for a life with love!?
I: Lately, has there been anything that brought you to tears?
A: No, I don't really watch movies.
I: Speaking of movies,when you start watching you watch them continuously, but there is a period of not really watching them, right?
A: Yeah, and around my neighbourhood, it's hard to find rental places.
I: Are there any genres that you have a soft spot for? Stuff like animals?
A: Ah~I'm a sucker for animals (laughs), but pretty much anything makes me cry.
I: (laughs) So you really are easily moved to tears?
A: (laughs)

I: For Aoi, where is the dividing line between love and passion?
A: If there are “emotions” flowing out, then it's love, whereas for passion it's when you normally are “Suki, suki*” isn't it?
I: When it comes to passion there are things you won't forgive, but if it were love these things would naturally be forgiven.
A: Yes, which is why I think passion is nothing but a pain because you first have to compromise.
I: So you're the type that can't compromise.
A: It's not that I can't compromise, but if I could choose between being good or bad at it , I'd say I'm good at compromising. (laughs)
I: What about when your partner says one thing but their real intentions are another?
A: That's also a pain, which is why lately I've been thinking that it's hopeless. (laughs)
I: Hahaha, but because love consists of so many emotions, isn't that tough? It's like all you can do is bear with it.
A: It is, and, what's more, you also have to respect your partner and their time, which, honestly, can tire you out. Say for example, even after you've sent them a text, you start worrying about things like “Why aren't they replying?”, but, still, having a day to day life filled with love is nice though.
I: (Dry laugh) That's frustrating.
A: Even if passion changes into love, I'll still want to be affectionate. Do you get what I mean?
I: So it's because once it changes into love that “doki-doki**” feeling is lost a little.
A: Exactly, which is the reason why, because of moments like these, everyone is crazy about being in love, isn’t it? (laughs) Since there is this kind of meaning within, love basically is a nice thing.
(*"Suki suki", lit. "I like, I like", if someone says it about another person, the relationship is normally casual or just beginning
**doki-doki = badump badump/rapid heartbeats)

I: Do you feel lonely easily?
A: Ah, I do.
I: You're conscious of it, aren't you?
A: I am (laughs). If I'm at home and I feel like playing games but it's down for maintenance, suddenly it's like I have nothing to do. When that happens there's nothing to do but drink.
I: Doesn't anyone give you a call or anything?
A: Ah nope, which is why I'm lonely. If I had a wife and kids, it'd be enjoyable, but I don't and my parent's house is far away as well. Occasionally, I think about things like, "What if something happened to my parents--what would I do?" As a result, I get depressed.
I: What about giving your band mates a call?
A: The fans usually ask about this but the answer is no. After 8 years of being together we definitely don't call each other, if we did, it'd be stuff like “Hey, let's play games”.
I: In short, as long as you have games you won't be lonely.
A: Well...more or less. But actually, it's not that I love playing games, it's just that I don't want to put up with work (laughs).
I: So you play games in order to distract yourself from loneliness?
A: Yup yup.

I: What's the band's dream for the future?
A: With the band? Well that would be “ to be number one”.
I: What do you mean by “number one”?
A: If I were to give a straight-forward example, everyone knows of bands like X-Japan and LUNASEA. In order for us to become like that, we started music with this intention. It's going to be hard, but with the support of everyone this is what we want to become--to the very end, a rock band.

I: Is there something you want to destroy or change?
A: Yeah, ah, how should I put it--snobbishness? If you didn't know the GazettE, don't we come off as hard to approach?
I: Like scary?
A: Right? We don't seem to be sociable at all (laughs). Honestly, even when doing lives with other bands, I didn't talk to them at all. I'm just shy around strangers, I'm so shy I can't join their circle, and it makes me seem unfriendly (laughs). I don't need such an image because I want to try to invite the band members and other people out a little more.
I: Hahaha, you want to talk to others more freely?
A: Yeah, everyone says that I'm hard to talk to.
I: “The way Aoi talks and his image is different” kind of thing?
A: Whether or not everyone says that--I'd say that it's a 100% what they would say. (laughs)
I: Even though you're a lonely person
A: Yeah, it's a shame, right (laughs)? The band too is a little introverted so usually everyone just sticks together.
I: Actually, you guys are close right?
A: Yeah, but on the other hand it's hard for other people to get into our circle. During “job well done parties” and stuff we only talk to each other.
I: You're not scattered about at different tables?
A: Lately, we've finally started to scatter ourselves around. We're gonna be more sociable!
I: “We're gonna get out there and be more open minded!”
A: Yeah, yeah, yeah! I want to get along with everyone! (laughs)

I: Is there anything you're trying to control lately?
A: I haven't been able to be in control lately, kind of like a light bulb. The “01” tour was great but when “02” came around, honestly there wasn't a live that I personally was satisfied with, but I was feeling relaxed. I can't maintain control over myself because my concentration goes on and off like a light bulb, but I always get interrupted and that's a problem.

I: Is there a memory you can't let go of?
A: On the first day of the live this time around, there was an attendee that collapsed and wasn't able to see the live. Although I found out about it after the live, I was feeling really good on the day of that live and it was something I was absolutely looking forward to. The lives are not limited to just that attendee but everyone who is participating. If I don't put my best into a live, then I think "What the heck am I doing?"
I: During the tours there are fans who can only go to a live once.
A: That's something I've come to realize, so I want to give the best live every time.
I: Even so, it's because the lives are something raw and pure.
A: However, that's from the viewpoint of my own wonderful fantastic individual abilities, so if I were to do things improperly that would be bad. I want to do at least one live that everyone can enjoy fully.
Look for Reita's section next week!
Did you miss Uruha's section? Take a look!
Uwoh, thank you so much for the translation! :DD
I can actually see Aoi be more approachable, especially with his Twitter spamming, I think he's doing things quite well. :)
I can totally relate because I myself am like that too, people see me as unapproachable when really I'm just totally shy. xD
WOW hey Aoi why your life sounds so depressing XDDDDD
Hm. It's disappointing the way they don't call each other! I MEAN GUYS YOU ARE BANDMATES! Playing games...There's so much more than that! *my pervy mind wanted to speak but I shushed it haha*
I really liked the way he talks about feeling and it surprised me a lot to read he cries easily haha. For me he was the one who couldn't do that naturally...
Really interesting. Aoi is so cute haha *-* (I mean just reading the sentence "what if my parents..." XD)
Anyway very good job dear, always enjoy your translations! Thank you!
o-o wow never expected Aoi is lonely person where he so talkative on twitter . . . and yea he is cute lol
well aoi = = u should find someone and settle down, u not young anymore lol
btw xD thank for the translation ^-^b
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by theGazettE Spain, プリ-ちゃん, PUMMZ, Amantis, puspita sanri melody and others. puspita sanri melody said: RT @mou_ichido: [※] Interview Translations: NeoGenesis Vol. 50, the GazettE - @Aoi_theGazettE Please RT� [...]
Thank you so much for translating this interview! It was a typical awkward and lonely Aoi interview, yet it was also so much more.
I really liked to read how he was aware the gazette seemed unapproachable, because that was exactly how I felt for a long time. And that he wants to change it, that he made a twitter and everything. He's doing really good.
Thank you!! Haha lonely boy...
I: Are there any genres that you have a soft spot for? Stuff like animals?
A: Ah~I’m a sucker for animals (laughs), but pretty much anything makes me cry.
^ BEST answer EVER! Lol
I know I can't post this on my Aoi Forum, but can I link back to it?
Thanks for the translation.
I love that they do not call each other... but maybe he would be less lonely if he talked to people who are already his friends... and then my pervy mind came in as well...
sometimes i feel like hugging him. Or make the other members hug him xD.
Thanks for sharing this!
Aoi really does sound different from his image
but then again, I don't actually know him xD
he seems to be a very nice guy^^
and cute ^^
Never thought he was a sucker for animals (●´艸`)
Sure, feel free to link back!
Glad you enjoyed the interview♪
This interview was lovely to read, and Aoi seems like a great person to know, I hope he succeeds in maintaining a larger social network, haha.
Thank you for taking the time to translate this! ^^
Thank you veeeery much ! This translation makes my day !
Ah, what an introvert Aoi, this seems to contradict his twitter spamming (XD) but yes, I can understand how one could be so talkative in cyberspace while being on the contrary in the real world !
This interview is one of his best I have seen...
He is my favorite afterall !!
Yes, thank you so much!
Here's my Forum ^^
Aoi-san...doesn't seem like he changed much since the interview where he talked about Uruha =_____="
Really, Aoi-san, if you're lonely, then just call them up...don't wait for people to call you...but I kinda understand, though ^^"
Wanting to be more sociable...GO AOI!!!! I'll cheer for you!
Thanks for the lovely translation btw ^^
uhh now i wanna give him a hug ToT
as for me, he always easy to talk and so on, i'm really surprised ^^"
but i understand him )
and i love his twitter spamming )
hope he succeeds in this, and stops being so shy ) i'm sure that he will manage to do this <3
poor Aoi....
You just think too much,worrying too much, but it's you after all, even if it make people misunderstand you, you just being yourself....
Thanks for your hardwork...
This is a really interesting interview!
I posted a translation of this in my site, with credits and the link of this blog.
Here you go:
Thanks for providing this <3
the statement about being and introverted band and sticking together made me smile... i can imagine it ^-^
poor Aoi....
You just think too much,worrying too much, but it's you after all, even if it make people misunderstand you, you just being yourself....
Thanks for your hardwork...
Thanks for the translation.
I love that they do not call each other... but maybe he would be less lonely if he talked to people who are already his friends... and then my pervy mind came in as well...
Aoi really does sound different from his image
but then again, I don't actually know him xD
he seems to be a very nice guy^^
and cute ^^
o-o wow never expected Aoi is lonely person where he so talkative on twitter . . . and yea he is cute lol
well aoi = = u should find someone and settle down, u not young anymore lol
btw xD thank for the translation ^-^b
WOW hey Aoi why your life sounds so depressing XDDDDD
Hm. It's disappointing the way they don't call each other! I MEAN GUYS YOU ARE BANDMATES! Playing games...There's so much more than that! *my pervy mind wanted to speak but I shushed it haha*
I really liked the way he talks about feeling and it surprised me a lot to read he cries easily haha. For me he was the one who couldn't do that naturally...
Really interesting. Aoi is so cute haha *-* (I mean just reading the sentence "what if my parents..." XD)
Anyway very good job dear, always enjoy your translations! Thank you!
Uwoh, thank you so much for the translation! :DD
I can actually see Aoi be more approachable, especially with his Twitter spamming, I think he's doing things quite well. :)
I can totally relate because I myself am like that too, people see me as unapproachable when really I'm just totally shy. xD
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