The interview was taken from magazine scans provided by rawkstarr23 at in the GazettE Daily Community. Header themes were made from screencaps from orishimeinoue posted at GazettE Media.
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This was pretty amusing, so I'm hoping that you all will think it's funny too...otherwise, that just makes me a geek. ┐(´ー`)┌ I bet all you Reita fans were on your toes to read about the thousands of girls he "dated" though (;゜ロ゜). Well, read on to find out!

Within the 02 tour is Reita, who delivers with his extremely abstinent lifestyle. In addition to quitting smoking, he's going as far as giving up hamburgers and taking up vegetables—will he show the public his shocking days?! We'll take a look at those and this steadfast member's unchanging dream.

Interviewer (I): What kind of things have brought tears to our eyes lately?
Reita (Re): Lately, it's been when I was reading the「One Piece」manga. The moment the bass recording ended for the new single, I bought all 59 volumes and read it—there were lots of scenes where I cried. The friendships, art, and stuff made me cry. And then I wanted to be a pirate afterwards (laugh).
I: You got pretty into it, eh. Did you watch the anime too?
Re: I don't watch it, but Kai told me he cried when he watched it. It's just, opposite of what Kai says, I get affected by this “sickness” of not crying (laugh). He's recommended a lot of stuff up till now, but there hasn't been anything that's worked with me.
I: Do you cry compassionate tears?
Re: Surprisingly, I'm the type that cries if I see other people cry (laugh).

I: Where are the differences between “love” and “passion”?
Re: “Passion” is when there's that feeling of the partner being glorified. Kind of like “yearning”. But with love, you still like your partner on top of all their faults.
I: Are you the type that tends to yearn for things, Reita?
Re: Me, I have incredible fantasies. Things like, “What would it be like if I dated this person?” I don't know how many thousands I've “dated” like that (laugh). In my fantasies, I'm a super playboy (laugh). All men have this sort of thing, eh.
I: Love is something without illusions, huh.
Re: Right. But, people who will continue to like someone even while knowing all their faults are, as expected, the fewest in number. To come across a person like that—I want to wish everyone the best of luck.
I: (laugh) It suddenly became a message to the readers.
Re: Well, since passion is something that revolves in everyone's core being, it's best if “passion” can change to “love”, right?

I: Do you get lonely easily?
Re: I like being by myself, actually. I like being at home best. When you're at home, you can be however you want, and it's ok.
I: You can be in your pajamas the entire time and stuff.
Re: Right. You can stare at the ceiling with your mouth open, and it'd still be ok (laugh). As expected, home is where the heart is. Lately, we haven't had many off days, but if we have a break, when all of us members meet up again after a while, we do talk a lot about a bunch of stuff.
I: Does everyone lead that sort of a lonely lifestyle (laugh).
Re: Nah, I'm sure there are people who aren't like that, there are members who went out and have stories about their trips and places they want to see—it's a good band.
I: That's for sure. When you're by yourself, what do you do that gives you the most stress relief?
Re: Since we're in the middle of touring, when I'm by myself, I'm at the hotel. When I'm there, I watch TV, surf online, and do stuff like that. Even if I think about shopping, they sell the same stuff in Tokyo, and I'm not really interested in castles and temples and the like, so I don't go sightseeing.

I: What are dreams the GazettE has?
Re: Of course, we made a band with five people who have the same dream, plus, I think bands who appear in magazine publications all started with some shared dreams. I think it's amazing how, little by little, the dreams started to take shape, and, step by step, we started getting closer to our dreams. For me, more so than making music, I wanted to make a band.
I: More so than a final destination, your dream is to head to the same places together with the band.
Re: Definitely. But in the beginning, I imagined this as a flashier career. I never imagined I'd seriously be up at seven in the morning starting my makeup and stuff like that (laugh). As I thought, reality is a lot more plain and flashiness is reserved only for lives (laugh). I've wanted to stand at Tokyo Dome in the past, but if we're definitely standing at Tokyo Dome, we'll come up with more and more dreams, and our dreams will be inexhaustible. If things weren't like that, we wouldn't be able to be a band.
I: Coming up with new dreams quickly is also something worth doing, eh.
Re: Yeah. I believe that if you don't always have something before your eyes, you can't walk forward.

I: What do you want to destroy right now?
Re: I want to make lives more extreme. The “02” tour is fun, but, you know, there still hasn't been one instance when a venue's heat reached a climax. I don't know why, but when the live ends, there isn't really that “Wow, today was the peak of our lives” sort of feeling. It isn't about taking shortcuts, but I'm performing sincerely...maybe it's because there're a lot of places we're visiting for the first time though.
I: Yesterday at Nara was a first, right?
Re: But if you use that excuse, there's no meaning to us doing lives. We have to break the atmosphere now, and we have to make it hotter.
I: You want to destroy the present?
Re: Right. I want to break it down.

I: Is there something you're trying to control right now?
Re: I've stopped smoking for nearly a month now.
I: Is it a torturous period right now?
Re: When I stopped for about a week, I was ok for a bit--surprisingly--but these past few days, I've been in a bit of trouble. I want to smoke after I eat. I wrote in my blog “I won't smoke a second time”, but the fans don't have faith in me (laugh). I really didn't smoke.
I: But it was a tough decision.
Re: Next is diet! I'm going to eat as much vegetables as possible. Lately, I haven't been eating hamburgers—no exceptions.
I: Isn't that a really extreme restriction on yourself?
Re: The withdrawal symptoms are already starting to show (laugh). I really love hamburgers, you know. And McDonald, and Kentucky Fried Chicken.
I: Why are you stopping yourself, then?
Re: Things like, “I eat stuff that's good for my body” and “my diet's gotten a bit messed up”—you know, I don't know my own reason (laugh).
I: Hahaha, even in the middle of tour, you take care of your meals?
Re: I still haven't gone out here to eat yet, but even with the food we eat at the venue after live, I never ate the salad. I always used to focus on the meat, but now I eat the vegetables too. And another thing is when I wake up in the mornings, I would definitely wreck my stomach by drinking something, but now I wait about an hour after waking up without drinking anything.

I: Is there a scorching hot memory you have that you can't forget?
Re: I remember it distinctly, the first thought in my head is when I stood in Budoukan for the first time. I watched the Budoukan DVD from about 3 years ago, and I still cried by myself. On top of that, when I saw the five people reflected on the screen, I caught their infectious tears (laugh).
I: Because it's easy to cry when others cry.
Re: Yeah. You can't really imagine the five people of the present crying.
I: Can you also distinctly remember the feelings you had when you cried at that time?
Re: I didn't plan to cry. But, all of a sudden, I was overflowing with tears, and even I was surprised at that time. I was in front of people, and, moreover, wasn't I still in the middle of work? (laugh). I thought, “How am I supposed to be manly if I'm crying!?” but at the same time, I didn't have the willpower to hold it in.
I: By any chance, are you going to cry at the Dome?
Re: I might cry, unfortunately (laugh).
Look for Kai next week!
Did you miss Uruha and Aoi's sections? Take a look!
Thanks for translating
Love this line the best "In my fantasies, I’m a super playboy"
haha, that was probably one of my favorites too. He's such a geek XD
Wuhuhu...Reita-san is a 'playboy'? LOL
This was a really interesting interview, thanks m(_ _)m
I really love his thoughts on 'passion' and 'love' very mature... ^^
LOL agreed, he's such a geek and sweet <3
thank you so much for this :D
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lia , GazetteFansoftheUSA, Polar Bear, puspita sanri melody, Samantha Tan and others. Samantha Tan said: RT @mou_ichido: [※]Interview Translation: NeoGenesis Vol. 50, the GazettE - Reita Please RT! :] [...]
" In my fantasies, I’m a super playboy (laugh). " [c] Reita xDD
"You can be in your pajamas the entire time and stuff." [с] oh, I`d like to watch it *,,,,*
Thank you for translating :))))\
Reita is sooo funny and cute <3
LMAO Reita One piece fan too xD
hahaha i know why he crying when read the manga
xD me too i cry a lot when i read or watch one piece
but Reita surprisingly cute? xDxD hahahaha
ah thank you for translating and sharing ne~ <3
aww.. reita is pure love <333
and i laugh so hard at this “How am I supposed to be manly if I’m crying!?” XDDDD silly reita~~
thank you for this!
Awwww..Reita-san!! hontoni kawaii!! >___< I can't believe he cries so easily. Even though he said that its unmanly of him, but I thought it shows that he has emotions. Not that other members don't have 'em! Its just that, he's not that ego much on his emotional. All I can say about him is 'Reita-san! You're an honest guy! X9' Or so I guess? ^^'
Reita is so funny! xD
Thank you for translating!
Thank you!!! *finally* He is so sweet!!!
i love him so much!!! and this interview made love him more!!
Im a playgirl in my fantasies too!! XDDDDDDD
I date with all those visual kei hotties!! XDD
ah, this interview made me love Reita more than I already did (and I thought it's impossible xD). Gosh, how can you not love that man? <3
Thank you very much for translation! You did an amazing job :)
thank you for translation...poor manly playboy Reita wasn't manly in Budokan xDDD
/Re: I might cry, unfortunately (laugh)./
awh, reita x3
i thought it was amusing too :D
thank you so much!
For me, more so than making music, I wanted to make a band.
I think I melted completely!<3
Thank you so much for the translation!
I loled at Reita's fantasies xD
but what's with the "men don't cry" stuff? Of course men cry too! It's all part of being human ^^
Reita is actually a sweet guy^^
Thank you so much for translating!
I loved reading this interview! Thank you for taking the time to translate!! :D
Ah I love this guy >>;
I wish I could be at Tokyo Dome with them...especially since I always cry when other people cry...I'd be the first to start bawling and the last one to stop.
Recta's such a cutie ><
aahhhh Reita... its okay you still be the manliest for me XDDD
thank you very much for translating.... its make my day ^^
Yup all boy doing it Rei-chan....
"I think it’s amazing how, little by little, the dreams started to take shape, and, step by step, we started getting closer to our dreams. For me, more so than making music, I wanted to make a band."
He is a good friend....
thanks for your hardwork...
“How am I supposed to be manly if I’m crying!?”
LOL that's the best...awww Reita's a nice guy, I love him. ^^
"Yeah. You can't really imagine the five people of the present crying." --> Ahh, yet you did, Reita-san. All guys from the band did. xD He's just so adorable... I love him. ^^ <3
"Yeah. You can't really imagine the five people of the present crying." --> Ahh, yet you did, Reita-san. All guys from the band did. xD He's just so adorable... I love him. ^^ <3
i love him so much!!! and this interview made love him more!!
Im a playgirl in my fantasies too!! XDDDDDDD
I date with all those visual kei hotties!! XDD
I loved reading this interview! Thank you for taking the time to translate!! :D
Wuhuhu...Reita-san is a 'playboy'? LOL
This was a really interesting interview, thanks m(_ _)m
I really love his thoughts on 'passion' and 'love' very mature... ^^
Thanks for translating
Love this line the best "In my fantasies, I’m a super playboy"
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