We changed the blog layout again! Please do play around with it (^^♪
Also, thank you to everyone who tweeted/FBed/commented to us about our first Follow Friday! We were even graced with a thank you from the lovely AZU herself!

We were a bit doubtful that it'd get off the ground, but it actually seems that some of you do enjoy it. Remember to continue letting us know what you think on Twitter/FB/email/the blog! It really helps us heaps! For those of you who did comment, thank you so much! We probably replied you, so please make sure to check the post~!
Well, finally, onto the subbed video!
Did my first ever sub! Sorry for the tiny subs, I'll work on getting those fixed next time! It was my first time ever doing anything with Aegis... ;;;
A golden star for those who managed to guess what this WIP was~
I think after I did this, my Golden Bomber fan-ness shot up a bajillion points.
I've actually done this experiment before for a class, and this video isn't exaggerating. It's actually pretty dangerous, so seriously, don't do this at home while aiming the coke bottle at your mouth. You can easily lose a tooth. If you REALLY want to do it, go do it outside over a drain and make sure you get out of the way. Don't even do it in your kitchen, because it creates a f**king mess. I would know. I had to clean up a classroom after everybody Ooohed, Ahhhed and left.
For reference, Gachapin and Mucc are characters from a children's show in Japan.
thanks for subbing! (^-^) and for the link to Gachapin and Mukku page too. I constantly forget checking them ))
and, according to vid, I realize guys did use those colors themselves, and it took you time to arrange them for subs too, but they're a bit eye-eating. when used for subs especially. sorry. maybe, something simpler next time?
and wow. you did experiment too. wow.
Thank you for the comment and also for the suggestion! We'll keep that in mind for upcoming videos!
thanks for subbing! (^-^) and for the link to Gachapin and Mukku page too. I constantly forget checking them ))
and, according to vid, I realize guys did use those colors themselves, and it took you time to arrange them for subs too, but they're a bit eye-eating. when used for subs especially. sorry. maybe, something simpler next time?
and wow. you did experiment too. wow.
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