This time, you get to read about how Aoi's a pansy when it comes to darkness, how Reita reacts when he gets rejected by a girl he likes (handstands anyone?), and how Kai lost faith in girls for some time. Of course, there's much more, so be sure to read and leave us a comment~! We're looking forward to them♥
As usual, please credit us if you're translating this translation. Also, please do not post this entire English translation up on your own blog/website/what have you. Previews are fine, but please link back to us.
Full speed ahead to Ruki making girls cry!
Madara KeyWord Interview

Aoi: I don't have any personal supernatural experiences, but the one thing that I definitely can't stand are haunted houses. Even this time around, with the photo shoot on a mountain, we had to climb up the mountain to get to the actual spot. On top of that, when it was night and there was no light at all, Reita and I had to rely on the light from our phones to walk. And then, suddenly, Reita ran off and left me in the darkness...... I was seriously scared to death at the time.
Reita: It was really only for a moment, you know.
Aoi: I'm really a guy who can't handle the dark.
Ruki: This is from before, when the band visited Sendai. I was heading to the parking spot where the van was parked. And then, I heard a girl's voice from behind where the car was parked. But, when I looked, nobody was there.....
Reita: That was just the wind. I experienced that recently too. This was when Uruha and I finished recording, and we were heading to the office in the van. For some reason, there was this feeling that someone was behind us in the back of the van. But it was dark when we looked at the back mirror, and when we took a photo with our phones of the back, the thing in the back looked kind of like a human face. So we bravely turned around and switched on the light...And it looked like there was an alien...buu~ttttt, if you looked closely, it was Kai-kun.
Kai: Eh? Even though I've heard about something like this before...aren't you taking it too far by calling me an alien?
Uruha: This is a true story from when I played at my friend's house. Every time I slept over, I would always--without fail--get sleep paralysis. No matter what I did before falling asleep, I'd get sleep paralysis, and on top of that, I'd see a daimyo's procession in all white cross over my bed when I got it. And, when I woke up in the morning, I looked at the Furby next to my bed. The Furby's eyes were usually closed, but that morning, I saw that they were half open.....that was a really terrifying experience.
Kai: This is a true story too. In middle school, there was this 1 video that was really popular at the time. But my idiot friend accidentally switched it up with a porn video when he was going through the woods, and ended up bringing the popular video instead.
When everyone was watching it, there were a group of boys just standing still at the top of the embankment in the video between a school club and some old ladies coming and going with their bikes on the street. That in and of itself wasn't weird, but my friend said, 「Take a look at this,」and we surrounded the screen to take a closer look. According to the people who had seen the video before, the boys should have begun to gradually turn around. So we gathered the people who had seen it first to watch it together. We watched it one more time, and all the boys who hadn't turned around the first time began to turn around one by one on the screen. It was reaa~lly scary, and afterward, everyone went to the shrine to burn the video.

Kai: This was about a person who was a GazettE roadie for some time. When he was involved in an accident and he passed away, everyone went to the funeral. Since I hadn't experienced anything like this, with someone similar to my age passing away, when I looked at his face, I couldn't say anything. I thought, 「The boy who had spoken so normally before—why did something like this happen to him」 and...I was overcome with shock—that was really painful for me.
Uruha: My mom's older sister was hospitalized for cancer. I really loved that aunt, and she was someone who made me laugh every time I played with her. When I first visited her after she had just been hospitalized and was still doing alright, she invited me and said, 「Let's go out for a smoke together,」and said things like, 「I don't have much longer.」At that time though, I still didn't really understand what death was. The next time we visited, she had lost so much weight that it was impossible not to realize. And, I wonder to myself now, “What could I have done...”, but all I could do was pat her arm. Her skin had lost all its elasticity. That time was really hard on me.
Reita: Our house too. My parents divorced when I was 5, and my dad moved out. My grandpa substituted for my dad the entire time since my childhood, and he'd always pay attention to my problems. But my grandpa passed away when I was 18 of a heart attack. When my mom contacted me and said, 「Grandpa collapsed,」that was also the day my band practice ended and I went back home. I rushed back, but when I arrived, he was already cold...After that, I cried for so many days. I want my grandpa to be captivated by the current me.
Aoi: This is a story from when I was still at home. My friend passed away after he got rear-ended on his bike. He wasn't even 17 yet, and I'm sure there were plenty of fun things in store for him. He hadn't even discovered his own purpose in life before dying. Aren't there people who think things like, “Let's just die”? I really can't forgive those types of people. Since there are a lot of people around them that consider this person precious to them, they definitely shouldn't want to make them sad.
Ruki: When my dad had a heart attack and collapsed, he broke out in a cold sweat all over his body, and his breath was also fading. I had a frantic smile on my face when the ambulance took him out, but I thought, 「Don't die, Dad.」When I was told that my mom had breast cancer, I was really depressed.

Ruki: I'm sort of a fickle person. After dating someone for about a year, I start to lose interest. Naturally, I start to feel distant and also stop calling her. But when she called once, and I heard her crying voice through the phone, I got depressed.
Reita: Dude, why are you the one that's depressed.
Ruki: No, that's just how one would feel in that situation, right. I'm not trying to make excuses, but when we first started dating it was really pure. As time went on, we sorta...
--Was this the type of girl you wanted to project in your lyrics?
Reita: You just wanted to make someone cry (laughs).
Ruki: What?! Was not! It's just, the first image that comes to me of a girl is her crying. So, seriously, don't think that I'm a horrible guy or something, it's just something from the past.
Aoi: Before I went off to Tokyo, I was dating someone, we were in a long distance relationship for about half a year. We started to grow apart bit by bit, and we eventually broke up. As expected, I was depressed.
Reita: My experience is something that happened in junior high. I was talking to a girl that I had a crush on at the time, and she asked me “Who do you like?” I thought maybe she liked me too. After I said her name, I asked her “Who do you like?” She said my name and another name, and I thought “What the heck?!” then. On my way home, I was really down, so I went home doing the hand stand.
Uruha: I get depressed when I'm dumped, and when I break up with someone I also get tortured by this unusual sense of guilt and get really depressed.
Kai: There was an instance in high school when I lost my trust in girls.
Reita: Oh really now...
Kai: ?
Kai: This girl I was dating at the time had a friend who wanted us to break up, so she started spreading rumors about me cheating on her. One day, a group of my ex's friends, about ten of them, came up to me and were going, “What the heck, man?!” I had no idea what was going on but that was how the situation turned out. So all I could say was. “Whatever, just do what do you want!”
--You became unable to trust girls, and you finally crossed the point of no return...
Kai: Huh???
The other 4 members: (whispering) But that wasn't her fault, you're just making excuses.
Kai: Yeah, I've come to realize that, I was joking about losing my complete faith in girls.
Well, hope you enjoyed this interview! I can't believe Ruki seemed like such a jerk! What a sadist! As for the part about Reita doing the handstands to get home...well, it's a very novel method of commute...
You can find Part I here.
Let us know what you think in the comments below! We've got more stuff coming up, so follow/subscribe please! It's easy and to your right~!⇨
Let us know what you think in the comments below! We've got more stuff coming up, so follow/subscribe please! It's easy and to your right~!⇨
Maybe its the fact that I'm a bit tipsy.. but holy shit this was hilarious. lol
waaa!!! ruki is so harsh on girls! kai is sooooo cute!!! i will be faithful to you always kai-sama!!!!
If I could burst in with party popper confetti things, you know I would. ;)
I have a little off time and Reita was so sweet how do I not respond this time around? I should be studying for my AP Gov test tomorrow morning, but Cal hardly takes any credit for it anyway...
My favorite part in this section would be what Reita said about his grandfather. I don't know what it's like to grow up without both parents, but I'm absolutely positive it's even more difficult than I imagine it to be. I can't appreciate my grandparents the way he does, either, since all four of mine live in Taiwan and I don't ever get to see them. But I can understand how someone would want to carry out their lives in memoriam of a person that had a great impact on them. To make them proud, so to speak. I'm sure Reita's grandpa is looking down from heaven, probably thinking "don't hide what your mother gave you!" or something. I wonder if they shared the same sense of humor? :)
And since I'm the same age as Aoi and his friend was when he was rear-ended, his story is particularly sad and scary... Especially with the "hadn't even discovered his purpose in life" part. I'm super careful about safety and taking care of myself, but my friends are so reckless, I can't help but worry.
And the chuckle-worthy part of this section~ Who in god's name would walk home on their hands??? I'd definitely get dizzy with all the blood going to my head and probably pass out. At least I can get onto my hands. xD Youthful love is so cute, but full of hurt for both parties involved.
And Kai's story made me a little miffed at those other girls! Hahaha, I've heard stories about creepy/mean/sneaky girls that would do things like sabotage their friends' relationships, but I still can't understand why someone would go out of their way to hurt someone else like that. What can you gain by breaking two people up!? Perhaps I'm too my-pace to want to interfere with stuff...Just letting it play out on its own seems to be my usual plan of action (or lack thereof).
Hopefully I haven't bored you with my long comment, though every time I read a mouichi translation I have too many things I want to share. xD I do read all of them, even if I don't comment every time~ :) hehe
Thank you, as always, for the translation! m(_ _)m お疲れさまでした!
THANK YOU!!! LOL Oh MY! Ruki is so mean xD
and Kai... wow.. if he lost faith in girls then... =w=
what about guys? lol
Uhm... Reita? Really? I'm surprised his head is still intact after doing the handstand on the way home. Haha. But I kinda get what Ruki was trying to say...
thanks for translating this. It really helped me understand what they were talking about. Domo Arigatou!
ahahhaha Reita doing handstands home. :'D the imagery is so childish and endearing. <3 <3
And poor Kai. >:
This interview is adorable to read, thank you very much for translating. \:D/
im so frikkin' depressed,n trust me,this is the only thing that make me smile after almost a week.
Aoi's saying about ppl who choose to die,..whoa...ide..
n he's funneh!!! afraid of dark,..Reita good job!
[i'd do the same too~ =)]
anyway, thankss!!!
In the psychic phenomenon part i didnt really undertand what Kai said about the video...would you explain it to me please? *puppy eyes*
I sometimes can not help but to hate Ruki (i love him, more that i ever could hate him thoughxD). He is so mean to girls.One day a girl will be mean to him and he will be the one crying!!
Ahahha, well, it's not the first time Ruki says he easily gets bored in a relationship. xD It amused me this time though, the first time I read something like that from him I was like: "Huh? o_O" But now... well, I kinda get him. xD And awww to Aoi being scared of the dark, so adorable. *giggles* I get him too though! xD
Somehow, I can understands why Ruki does that to girls cause I'm the same myself minus the fact I'm a girl XD So, can't blame him much.
Anyway, I hope that the fans who were reading this and were considering to kill themselves would consider to not doing that since it was really bad and we can't deny the fact that some people do believe suicide or death is the easiest way out from all the problems.
But, I guest the most interesting part in this interview is the ghost stories, Aoi's freaking out in the dark and the way Kai didn't get it when the others were making fun of his statement at the last part.lol.I had so much fun laughing at it.
Thank you for sharing this<3
This repeatedly confirms Aoi's fear of ghost -LOL- despite it really contradicts to his look XD !!
Reita is really cute and fun. He is such a special ordinary guy- I mean his being "ordinary" is his real charm, and his naughty sense of humour is very reliable!
My genius Ruki just lives up to more challenges in life - and this is a good comfort to us as his fans not to regret not being his girlfriend - LOL!
Thank you so much for the translation. It always make my day!
@Anonymous [Maybe its the fact that I'm a bit tipsy.. but holy shit this was hilarious. lol] LOL! Hopefully you can enjoy this sober, but where's the fun in that?! Thanks for the comment, and share the booze please ;)
@Anonymous [i will be faithful to you always kai-sama!!!!] LOL! Kai should find a girlfriend like you :P hehehe, thanks for commenting!
@Chifunii [Hopefully I haven't bored you with my long comment, though every time I read a mouichi translation I have too many things I want to share. xD I do read all of them, even if I don't comment every time~ :) hehe] Absolutely no worries about a longggg comment, because we eat those up! Reita's part about walking home on hands was really out there, huh! I still can't believe it because it seems so idiotic....OTL Anyways, congrats on getting into Cal and good luck with those nasty APs!
@happykawaiiday [what about guys? lol] HAHA, what about them? Anyways, thanks for visiting!
@cloverraven [Uhm... Reita? Really? I'm surprised his head is still intact after doing the handstand on the way home.] No kidding! haha, maybe he lived next door lol. Thanks for the comment!
@Anonymous [Domo Arigatou!] Dou itashimashite~!(*´ω`*)
@sekritflame [This interview is adorable to read, thank you very much for translating. \:D/] Thank you very much for commenting! \:D/
@Lee [im so frikkin' depressed,n trust me,this is the only thing that make me smile after almost a week.] Aw! Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you feel better! thanks for commenting!
@ichiume [In the psychic phenomenon part i didnt really undertand what Kai said about the video...would you explain it to me please? *puppy eyes*] Basically, the first time Kai and friends saw the video, there was a group of boys that didn't move. But someone said that they were supposed to turn around in the video, so him and a bunch of friends that had seen it before them got together and watched it again. But the 2nd time they watched it, the boys started to turn around, even though they didn't turn around the first time they watched it. *shudder* Isn't that scary?? Hope that helps, and thanks for commenting! :]
@micukofelton [And awww to Aoi being scared of the dark, so adorable] Isn't it?? haha, how's he going to be able to comfort his kids if he can't even stand the dark himself? Thanks for visiting!
@niseimonoXD [Anyway, I hope that the fans who were reading this and were considering to kill themselves would consider to not doing that since it was really bad and we can't deny the fact that some people do believe suicide or death is the easiest way out from all the problems.] Definitely u_u It's an unfortunate path that doesn't really solve any problems and can create more...On a brighter note, thank you for the comment and for stopping by!
@Rsixty6 [He is such a special ordinary guy- I mean his being "ordinary" is his real charm, and his naughty sense of humour is very reliable!] I agree! His humor makes him very warm :] Thank you for visiting and commenting (again) hehe!
why does everyone put so much emphasis on ruki being a jerk? I was really shocked by what he said about his mom having breast cancer... really?? that made me so sad...
haha, Aoi afraid of the dark
Reita doing handstands from a broken heart
Kai being confused for a alien...poor Kai
Ruki being misunderstood or possibly being an Sadist
And...I didn't really learn anything about Uruha here...
But above all, you could tell how much they appreciated their family. Reita talking about his grandpa and Ruki talking about his parents. It really got me when Reita ask whether or not his grandpa would be proud of the person he is today...did that make anyone else cry??
These articles just keep getting better and better! Thanks so much for bringing translations to us fangirls! I really appreciate it^^
thanks for the translation, its helped me to understand what they talking about .
they talked a lot of their experience in their private life .
that so amused~
'And it looked like there was an alien...buu~ttttt, if you looked closely, it was Kai-kun.' omg xDD right when i was expecting him to say something eerie and related to the paranormal the topic shifts to the harmless Kai xD This Reita-dude always makes me laugh.
Uru's story is kinda creepy o_O..then again i just smiled when i imagine little uru next to his Furby~
ah I felt sad when the image of Ruki worrying for his parents popped up in my head. Had no idea about his mom's cancer .
..And I can imagine how much Rei must have cried for his grandpa since it's evident how close they were, that he cared a lot for Reita and firmly guided him. From some other interviews I read I can make out his grandpa made positive contributions in moulding the way Reita grew up to be.
heh Reading about Ruki's treatment of girl's doesn't surprise me anymore ^^ But it's nice to read more of such interviews cause fans get cleared or convinced of certain ideas we have of them (^^) In any case even if Rei is teasing him it's understandable Ruki isn't necessarily insincere or mean. Being halfhearted in a relationship is different than gradually losing interest. Sometimes things don't work out ..even between friends. Some people tend to lose interest..It's not a good thing at all, but it can't be helped. At least Ruki is aware of the nature of his relationships, accepts the facts and has the tendency to cherish the memories. (sometimes unlike in this interview he seems a bit cheeky though xD) Besides i find Ruki's nature genuine and refreshing ~ But naturally I also feel sad for his ex-girlfriends. It's hard to deal with people who quickly lose interest.
Ahhh it's sort of the first time I heard Aoi talking personally about his relationship with this particular ex-girlfriend..I always wondered whether she tried to stop him from leaving or whether they broke up as soon as he left.
'The other 4 members: (whispering) But that wasn't her fault, you're just making excuses.' eh whatever~ I really dislike girls like that who spread rumours.
oh well ..♥ Thank you so much for the translations!!!
@Anonymous [Maybe its the fact that I'm a bit tipsy.. but holy shit this was hilarious. lol] LOL! Hopefully you can enjoy this sober, but where's the fun in that?! Thanks for the comment, and share the booze please ;)
@Anonymous [i will be faithful to you always kai-sama!!!!] LOL! Kai should find a girlfriend like you :P hehehe, thanks for commenting!
@Chifunii [Hopefully I haven't bored you with my long comment, though every time I read a mouichi translation I have too many things I want to share. xD I do read all of them, even if I don't comment every time~ :) hehe] Absolutely no worries about a longggg comment, because we eat those up! Reita's part about walking home on hands was really out there, huh! I still can't believe it because it seems so idiotic....OTL Anyways, congrats on getting into Cal and good luck with those nasty APs!
@happykawaiiday [what about guys? lol] HAHA, what about them? Anyways, thanks for visiting!
@cloverraven [Uhm... Reita? Really? I'm surprised his head is still intact after doing the handstand on the way home.] No kidding! haha, maybe he lived next door lol. Thanks for the comment!
@Anonymous [Domo Arigatou!] Dou itashimashite~!(*´ω`*)
@sekritflame [This interview is adorable to read, thank you very much for translating. \:D/] Thank you very much for commenting! \:D/
@Lee [im so frikkin' depressed,n trust me,this is the only thing that make me smile after almost a week.] Aw! Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you feel better! thanks for commenting!
@ichiume [In the psychic phenomenon part i didnt really undertand what Kai said about the video...would you explain it to me please? *puppy eyes*] Basically, the first time Kai and friends saw the video, there was a group of boys that didn't move. But someone said that they were supposed to turn around in the video, so him and a bunch of friends that had seen it before them got together and watched it again. But the 2nd time they watched it, the boys started to turn around, even though they didn't turn around the first time they watched it. *shudder* Isn't that scary?? Hope that helps, and thanks for commenting! :]
@micukofelton [And awww to Aoi being scared of the dark, so adorable] Isn't it?? haha, how's he going to be able to comfort his kids if he can't even stand the dark himself? Thanks for visiting!
@niseimonoXD [Anyway, I hope that the fans who were reading this and were considering to kill themselves would consider to not doing that since it was really bad and we can't deny the fact that some people do believe suicide or death is the easiest way out from all the problems.] Definitely u_u It's an unfortunate path that doesn't really solve any problems and can create more...On a brighter note, thank you for the comment and for stopping by!
@Rsixty6 [He is such a special ordinary guy- I mean his being "ordinary" is his real charm, and his naughty sense of humour is very reliable!] I agree! His humor makes him very warm :] Thank you for visiting and commenting (again) hehe!
Uhm... Reita? Really? I'm surprised his head is still intact after doing the handstand on the way home. Haha. But I kinda get what Ruki was trying to say...
If I could burst in with party popper confetti things, you know I would. ;)
I have a little off time and Reita was so sweet how do I not respond this time around? I should be studying for my AP Gov test tomorrow morning, but Cal hardly takes any credit for it anyway...
My favorite part in this section would be what Reita said about his grandfather. I don't know what it's like to grow up without both parents, but I'm absolutely positive it's even more difficult than I imagine it to be. I can't appreciate my grandparents the way he does, either, since all four of mine live in Taiwan and I don't ever get to see them. But I can understand how someone would want to carry out their lives in memoriam of a person that had a great impact on them. To make them proud, so to speak. I'm sure Reita's grandpa is looking down from heaven, probably thinking "don't hide what your mother gave you!" or something. I wonder if they shared the same sense of humor? :)
And since I'm the same age as Aoi and his friend was when he was rear-ended, his story is particularly sad and scary... Especially with the "hadn't even discovered his purpose in life" part. I'm super careful about safety and taking care of myself, but my friends are so reckless, I can't help but worry.
And the chuckle-worthy part of this section~ Who in god's name would walk home on their hands??? I'd definitely get dizzy with all the blood going to my head and probably pass out. At least I can get onto my hands. xD Youthful love is so cute, but full of hurt for both parties involved.
And Kai's story made me a little miffed at those other girls! Hahaha, I've heard stories about creepy/mean/sneaky girls that would do things like sabotage their friends' relationships, but I still can't understand why someone would go out of their way to hurt someone else like that. What can you gain by breaking two people up!? Perhaps I'm too my-pace to want to interfere with stuff...Just letting it play out on its own seems to be my usual plan of action (or lack thereof).
Hopefully I haven't bored you with my long comment, though every time I read a mouichi translation I have too many things I want to share. xD I do read all of them, even if I don't comment every time~ :) hehe
Thank you, as always, for the translation! m(_ _)m お疲れさまでした!
Maybe its the fact that I'm a bit tipsy.. but holy shit this was hilarious. lol
I'm using this interview translation for the page in Facebook named 'the GazettE 1 million fans'. Thank you! ^^ :))) Credits to you. ^^
here's the page. forgot to link it together. XD. still , again... thank you
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