A bit of a delay, but here's Kanon Wakeshima's blog of her time in the US for AM2. This is actually only the first part, and there are a few more entries I'll post up later this week.
Meanwhile, same things as usual apply. Please don't lift our entire translation for your own site and link back to us with a preview.
Otherwise, enjoy and don't forget to leave us a comment!(^-^)
We're here! [2011-07-01 04:12:19]
kanon x kanon x 花音 in LA!!!

Thank you for all the messages in the previous blog!
It really cheered me up.
My tears wouldn't stop as I read them.
Really, thank you very much.
It's been fun since the last live.
I want to meet everyone soon.
While heading closer to a peaceful birthday, Kanon came to America.
From today onward, I want to write about all the events that take place these next few days in America!

We met up immediately with kanon x kanon during break.
They have bored faces.
These 2 ate a light lunch.
The American sushi from dinner.

The newly-arrived Wakeshima.

When the lights light up at night, it's very pretty.

We found kanon x kanon here too!

Since Japan's really hot, I wondered if America would also be hot
but it was unexpected cool. I wore long sleeves and it was the perfect temperature.
The sun is still up until around 8, and the evenings are very pretty.
2nd Day! [2011-07-05 11:27:13]

It was the interview day for kanonxkanon.

It's the kanonxkanon with their AM2 passes.
Hungry and on break.

We chewed on some nachos and hamburgers during lunch.
At night we went to a restaurant with cute interior design. [TN: Was Bucca di Beppo.]

The caesar salad was
It's short mostly because the pictures are crazy to screenshot, resize etc etc to do and I'm supposed to be working (my real job), but I'll finish the posts later this week! Look forward to them, please!
Meanwhile, what do you think so far? I thought girl Kanon was definitely adorable on and off stage, and how many of you have been to Bucca before? I LOVE their stuffed pasta shells, so if you get a chance to go to one, definitely try those out!
And, of course, don't forget to follow us on Twitter or our Facebook! We've been leaving some spicy little tidbits that have been a bit of a Facebook exclusive so far, so make sure you catch them too!ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ
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