Dear everyone at Mou Ichido,
Happy New Year! Finally year 2011 has arrived! Yay!
Hope everyone's enjoying the festive season, good food, parties and all that good stuff!
As a little something for everyone, I decided to translate the Rock & Read issue 04 featuring the great Aoi-sama (laughs). Um...I'm sorry was that too enthusiastic of me? Sorry-sorry ( ゚┌・・ ゚)
It's an older interview and I originally started translating it last year but lost the motivation to finish it. I was cleaning out my files when found it, and I was really disgusted at how poorly I had translated it. Therefore I'm giving it another go!
This interview is a personal favourite of mine and it really tells you a lot about Aoi and what kind of kid he was back then. It's quite a long interview, so I'm splitting it in parts, this will be the first part of many other parts to come.
Alright I won't bore you with my babble any longer, I bet you all are dying to read it ( ^∀^ )
On with the interview!
Part I
(A) for Aoi
(I) for Interviewer
Hating to lose
Baseball, kendo, soccer, bike racing, surfing…
Based on Aoi’s calm present appearance, it’s hard to imagine that he was a very active teenager.
Not wanting to lose to others, he put his whole heart into striving to be the top of what he did.
The kinds of things that Aoi wanted to do was play guitar and to meet a band that he will follow for half a life time.
Dear everyone at Mou Ichido,
Happy New Year! Finally year 2011 has arrived! Yay!
Hope everyone's enjoying the festive season, good food, parties and all that good stuff!
As a little something for everyone, I decided to translate the Rock & Read issue 04 featuring the great Aoi-sama (laughs). Um...I'm sorry was that too enthusiastic of me? Sorry-sorry ( ゚┌・・ ゚)
It's an older interview and I originally started translating it last year but lost the motivation to finish it. I was cleaning out my files when found it, and I was really disgusted at how poorly I had translated it. Therefore I'm giving it another go!
This interview is a personal favourite of mine and it really tells you a lot about Aoi and what kind of kid he was back then. It's quite a long interview, so I'm splitting it in parts, this will be the first part of many other parts to come.
Alright I won't bore you with my babble any longer, I bet you all are dying to read it ( ^∀^ )
On with the interview!

Part I
(A) for Aoi
(I) for Interviewer
Hating to lose
Baseball, kendo, soccer, bike racing, surfing…
Based on Aoi’s calm present appearance, it’s hard to imagine that he was a very active teenager.
Not wanting to lose to others, he put his whole heart into striving to be the top of what he did.
The kinds of things that Aoi wanted to do was play guitar and to meet a band that he will follow for half a life time.